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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

BRG could focus on communities to support its peatland restoration efforts in the next term. ANTARA FOTO/Rony Muharrman/aww.

Indonesia’s Peatland Restoration Agency gets an extension despite failing to hit its target: what are the hurdles and next strategies?

Indonesia’s Peatland Restoration Agency is likely to have its tenure extended by four years. What has been achieved and what should the agency focus on for the next term?
Canada’s climate plan includes adding more electric vehicle charging stations, improving energy efficiency of homes and buildings, and raising the price on carbon to $170 per tonne by 2030. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Canada finally has a climate plan that will let it meet its carbon targets by 2030

None of Canada’s past climate targets or plans has been credible. But the math on the latest plan, which relies on a steadily increasing carbon price, could have Canada meet its 2030 goal.
The Marshall Islands and other small island nations are urgently threatened by rising seas. Stefan Lins/Flickr

Marshall Islands could be wiped out by climate change – and their colonial history limits their ability to save themselves

Climate change is a true existential threat for small island nations, but the US has done little to help the Marshall Islands, which it administered for decades.
The Paris Agreement on climate change, signed on Dec. 12, 2015, by almost 200 states, was hailed as the turning point to keep global warming in check. Progress, however, has been insufficient. (UNclimate change/flickr)

The Paris Agreement at 5: Time’s running out. How to get the world back on track to meet its climate goals

The Paris Agreement set countries on a path to limit global warming. Five years on, some progress has been made, but not enough. Decarbonizing the economy will take leadership and imagination.
Even if every country meets its commitments, the world will still be on track to warm by more than 3 degrees Celsius this century, a new UNEP report shows. Kevin Frayer/Getty Images

5 years after Paris: How countries’ climate policies match up to their promises, and who’s aiming for net zero emissions

Bold visions for slowing global warming have emerged from all over the world. What’s not clear is how countries will meet them.