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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

Climate change, together with other ecological pressures, may well undo the gains we have made in health. from

Climate explained: will we be less healthy because of climate change?

Do you have a question about climate change? This collaboration between The Conversation, Stuff and the New Zealand Science Media Centre gives you the chance to ask – and we’ll provide expert answers.
Micha Berry of the city of Fresno, Calif., which relies heavily on groundwater for its drinking water supply, repairs a groundwater well pump in 2013. AP Photo/Gosia Wozniacka

Drilling deeper wells is a band-aid solution to US groundwater woes

Millions of Americans rely on groundwater for their lives and livelihoods, but regulation is piecemeal. A new study maps groundwater wells nationwide and finds that they are drilling steadily deeper.
Zara says it will only use sustainable textiles in the future to do its part in the climate crisis. This image is from a Zara shop in Singapore, 2019. Shutterstock

Fast fashion lies: Will they really change their ways in a climate crisis?

Zara, a fast-fashion clothing company, recently pledged to produce its line using only sustainable textiles. But it is not enough to curb the company’s significant impact on climate change.
Solving the world’s climate problems will require many kinds of brain power. UC Irvine School of Humanities

Why science needs the humanities to solve climate change

Climate change isn’t just a technical challenge – it also involves ethics, social justice and cultural values. Insights from literature, philosophy and other humanities can produce better solutions.
Australia and Russia could soon be the last remaining developed nations without fuel efficiency standards, with New Zealand proposing new rules and financial incentives to get more people driving cleaner cars.

New Zealand poised to introduce clean car standards and incentives to cut emissions

New Zealand has proposed new fuel standards, along with a consumer rebates for cleaner cars – paid for by higher costs for high-polluting cars – to cut its rising transport emissions.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources fire rangers wade through floodwaters as they deploy pumps in Pembroke, Ont., in May 2019. Too many authorities involved in fighting flood risks can often paralyze flood management efforts. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Why Canada’s political system makes it difficult to fight floods

Canadian history and international relations theory gives us perspective on why co-ordinating flood management has proven so difficult in Canada and what can be done about it.
Australian cities could lose some of their most common trees to climate change. Jamen Percy/Shutterstock

Our cities need more trees, but some commonly planted ones won’t survive climate change

Thirty tree species make up more than half of Australia’s urban forests. Some won’t survive climate change, so cities must plant a more diverse mix of the right species to preserve their tree cover.