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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

Jeff Jorgenson looks over a partially flooded field he farms near Shenandoah, Iowa, May 29, 2019. AP Photo/Nati Harnik

US agriculture needs a 21st-century New Deal

Three scholars argue that agriculture is failing to sustain either the land or American farmers. They propose a modern version of the New Deal that centers on ecology and economic fairness.
An atoll in the Republic of Kiribati, an island nation in the South Pacific that’s in danger of disappearing due to climate change. (Shutterstock)

What happens when a country drowns?

Island nations composed of low-lying atolls are at risk of being wiped out by rising sea levels in the era of climate change. Yet the international community is doing next to nothing to help them.
It is vital to find alternative and sustainable sources of protein to meet the considerable challenge of ensuring food security for the future. Shutterstock

Eating insects is good for you — and the planet!

Insects are high in protein and rich in other nutrients and, unlike beef and other livestock, have little impact on climate.
Artistic view of the evolution of elephants. From left to right, Moeritherium (30 million years old), Deinotherium (5 million years old) and a modern African elephant. Alex Bernardini (Simplex Paléo) and Sophie Vrard (Creaphi).

How did elephants evolve such a large brain? Climate change is part of the answer

A shift in climate, along with other environmental disruptions and the invasion of competitors and new predators all likely played an important role in reshaping ancient elephants’ brains.
Tourism, that quintessentially elitist pursuit, is now responsible for almost 8 percent of global CO₂ emissions. Blake Barlow/Unsplash

Inequality and climate change: the rich must step up

In the face of climate change, the poorest are suffering from the excess emissions of CO₂ linked to the lifestyle of the richest. It is time to act, in the name of climate and social justice.
Australia’s future prosperity will require bold action on a number of fronts and a deliberate commitment to careful and considered long-term thinking. Hendra Pontomudis / unsplash

It’s time for Australia to commit to the kind of future it wants: CSIRO Australian National Outlook 2019

If the right changes are made today, Australia’s living standards could be up to 36% higher in 2060. This translates into a 90% increase in average wages (in adjusted, real terms) from today.