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Articles on Elderly

Displaying 141 - 160 of 174 articles

There is precious little dignity available for those Australians who are in the last stages of their lives. shutterstock

The slow politics of dignity for the aged and dying in Australia

The contrast between rights with dignity and rights without is increasingly apparent with regard to two groups of Australians: retirees and those in aged-care facilities.
Japanese climber Yuichiro Miura, 80, before ascending Mt. Everest for the third time. REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar

Research shows old age is getting younger all the time

New research says we should discard conventional ways of analyzing what it means to age. It’s how well people function that counts.
Housing security matters for older Australians like the residents of Millers Point, Sydney, who fear having to make way for development. AAP/Hugh Peterswald

Suitable, affordable housing is key to our population ageing well

Without affordable and secure housing that meets the needs of older Australians, the nation cannot hope to sustain the productivity that is needed to secure future prosperity.
Among older adults living in the community, almost 10% are malnourished, while another 40% are considered to be at high risk of malnutrition. Kevin Dooley/Flickr

Starvation in the land of plenty: why Australians are malnourished

Malnutrition is a significant issue around the world, especially in developing countries. But it’s not just a problem for poor nations; a large number of older Australians also suffer from this insidious…
We need to rethink care for the elderly. Image of hands via Lighthunter/Shutterstock

More aging boomers, but fewer doctors to care for them

By 2030, the last of the Baby Boomer generation will have turned 65 years old, putting the population of “senior boomers” in the United States at approximately 71 million. Currently, only about 7,000 certified…
More than 90% of kids are vaccinated compared with 74% of adults aged over 65 years. Shutterstock

Vaccination isn’t just for kids – a guide for over-65s

We live in an ageing society, with the global median age rising steadily. Australia’s economic viability will increasingly rely on retaining older people in the workforce for longer. This, of course, relies…
Online dating.

VIDEO: Why older adults love online dating

Older adults are the fastest-growing demographic on online dating websites, with those aged 50-plus making up 22% of members on Australia’s leading internet dating site. In this episode of TCTV, Sue Malta…
Older adults are the fastest-growing group of internet dating site users and the number of couples over 60 who met online is surprising. Robert Kneschke/Shutterstock

Online dating could have been made for older adults – they love it

Older adults are the fastest-growing demographic on online dating websites, so much so that there has been a recent proliferation of sites catering specifically for the senior market, such as DatingOver60s…
Feeling secure about housing is very important for elderly people, especially when physical and financial constraints limit their options. Image from

Affordable housing is a problem for older Australians, too

The federal parliament has established a far-reaching inquiry into affordable housing. The terms of reference make only two specific references to issues affecting older people, but it is essential that…
Old people aren’t museum relics. Mr Push

Hard Evidence: can we afford an ageing population?

Stories about “population ageing” often have a number of things in common – it is bad, it is new, and it will overwhelm us all. The major fear is a burden of cost and caring that more older people will…
Licensing authorities place the onus on drivers to report any medical conditions that might affect their driving. Image from

Doctors shouldn’t be forced to dob in unfit drivers

Few states mandate that doctors or other health professionals must report unfit drivers to licensing authorities – and for good reason. Driving is an everyday practice for many Australians, but that doesn’t…
The community can provide more than 15 minutes of care. teaeff

Turn the welfare state on its head to fix social care

It should come as no surprise to anyone that there is a growing crisis in adult social care. Policymakers, practitioners and people using services alike all argue that the current system is fundamentally…
Older people living with younger family members is increasingly popular, but there can be associated legal issues if the relationship breaks down. Shutterstock

Close to home: financial hazards for older people in family accommodation

Last year, having recently lost her life partner, 78-year old Miriam* was advised by her children that the family home was now “too big” for her to live in. She sold her property and moved into the home…

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