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Articles on Elderly

Displaying 81 - 100 of 174 articles

The situation for older Australians isn’t what was envisioned when the Aged Care act was introduced in 1997. from

Australia’s aged care residents are very sick, yet the government doesn’t prioritise medical care

Twenty years since the Aged Care Act was introduced, the situation for older Australians remains dire. They’re sicker and have more complex care needs, but little access to medical care.
Those caring for spouses with dementia are often isolated, lonely and emotionally overwhelmed. (Shutterstock)

Is it adultery if my spouse doesn’t know who I am anymore?

With people living longer lives and dementia on the rise, it’s time to consider whether it’s verboten for spouses acting as full-time caregivers to seek love and comfort outside their marriages.
Victoria’s Parliamentary Secretary for Treasury and Finance Mr Daniel Mulino voted against the state’s assisted dying bill. JOE CASTRO/AAP Imagine

Four reasons Victorian MPs say ‘no’ to assisted dying, and why they’re misleading

The main arguments used by those who voted against assisted dying – including that the bill has insufficient safeguards – in Victoria’s upper house, deserve further scrutiny.
Studies are showing that loneliness can be deadly, even more so than obesity. (Shutterstock)

Loneliness could kill you

Loneliness shortens our life spans and some studies suggest it’s even more lethal than obesity. We are physiologically and psychologically primed for connection, so don’t shrug off your loneliness.
Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne unveiled her government’s plan to cut electricity bills in March 2017 amid a public uproar about skyrocketing fees driving ratepayers into energy poverty. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn)

How Canada can end energy poverty and winter cut-offs

Energy companies routinely cut off service to vulnerable people who experience energy poverty. Here’s how to fix the problem.
BMW recently opened a factory for aging workers in southern Germany. Reuters

Keeping mature-age workers on the job

Employers who cater for their ageing workforce will get better staff productivity and engagement levels
People in Canada and around the world are living longer thanks to public health and modern medicine. It’s time to treat aging as an asset, not a process of decline. (Shutterstock)

It’s time to treat aging as an asset, not a burden

The population is aging in Canada and around the world. It’s time to focus our attentions on optimal aging instead of grimly tallying the burdens of growing old.

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