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Articles on Exercise

Displaying 541 - 560 of 609 articles

Too much sitting may increase the risk of developing diseases including heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and it may even cause premature death. morir soñando/Flickr

Health Check: the low-down on standing desks

More people are getting standing desks in response to our increasing knowledge about the harms of sedentary lifestyles. But can you transition to standing at work without causing yourself harm?
Studies based on Mediterranean diet, combined with exercise, have proved groundbreaking in managing type 2 diabetes. from

How the right diet can control diabetes and reduce its massive economic costs

For decades, a low fat and sugar free diet were key to controlling type 2 diabetes. Now, new data shows a diet high in protein and healthy fats has better outcomes for the disease.
Intensive sun exposure for marathon runners in the middle of the day could lead to sunburn, skin cancer and cataracts. Rogan Ward/Reuters

The best time for marathon runners to get on the road

Runners have a greater risk of developing skin cancer because they are more likely have sun damage on their skin as a result of chronic sun exposure.
Strength training, as opposed to gentle exercise, may be a better way for women over 50 to improve their muscle strength and kick menopause symptoms. Claudia Daut/Reuters

Post-menopause? Hit the weights, not the treadmill

Strength training is an ideal way for older women to mitigate the symptoms associated with menopause.
Sweat is made up of water and minerals that are collectively known as electrolytes. Chris Hunkeler/Flickr

Health check: what’s the deal with electrolytes?

Sports drinks claiming to contain electrolytes have innundated stores in recent years. So what are electrolytes? Are they good? How can we best get them?
Although older women are not naturally prone to exercise, being part of an exercise group helps them to stay in a fitness program. Reuters

For older women, exercise buddies make all the difference

The relationship that older women build up with their trainers is key to maintaining their participation in exercise programs.
Researchers appear to be stuck in a tug-of-war over the causes of the current levels of obesity. lee roberts/Flickr

Obesity wars revisited: is it the meat or the motion?

Obesity researchers have been in a tug of war about obesity for decades now. So what does the evidence show about the latest offensive in the obesity wars?
Doctors recommend drugs and surgery for most diseases but exercise may actually be a better answer for obesity. Ben Bradshaw/Flickr

Even if obesity were a disease, exercise may be too bitter a pill

Most of us know that obesity is a growing problem across the globe but would you call it a disease? While it may seem like a semantic debate, it is actually a serious issue with major implications.
Overbalanced. Is it possible to be fit and fat? sophietica

Killer couches are the key to tackling fat and fitness

The link between exercise, diet and ill health has been recognised for a considerable length of time. The ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates (460-370BC), wrote: Eating alone will not keep a man well…
Heated contest: Mitchell Johnson and Steve Smith try to cool down during the Brisbane test in December 2014. AAP Image/Dave Hunt

Just not cricket – how climate change will make sport more risky

Sport is fundamental to Australia’s society, culture and economy. But how would we cope when the rising heat threatens some of our most beloved pastimes? A new report from the Climate Institute urges sports…
Typical sports nutrition guidelines advocate eating carbohydrate-rich food before, during and after exercise to maximise performance. jeffreyw/Flickr

Health Check: do you really need carbs to recover from exercise?

Carbohydrate-rich diets are often recommended as part of exercise regimes to promote recovery and maximise performance. But recent research suggesting such foods may not help exercise recovery and their…

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