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Articles on Social interaction

Displaying 21 - 39 of 39 articles

Seeking to make stories that surround us. 'Screen,' by Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Robert Coover, Shawn Greenlee, Andrew McClain, and Ben "Sascha" Shine

The future is in interactive storytelling

People want video games and interactive experiences that help them explore deep and meaningful themes, such as creating family, valuing diversity and living responsibly.
Bonobo Jasongo at Leipzig Zoo has a hunch about what you’re thinking. MPI-EVA

Can great apes read your mind?

Realizing that others’ minds hold different thoughts, feelings and knowledge than your own was thought to be something only people could do. But evidence is accumulating that apes, too, have ‘theory of mind.’
Social technologies could provide valuable opportunities for isolated older persons to stay connected to the world. shutterstock

Connecting online can help prevent social isolation in older people

Social isolation in old age is a significant social concern. It is linked to a range of health problems and, in extreme cases, it can lead to people growing old and dying alone.
Your instinct not to trust some people is an evolutionary response to keep you safe. Flood G./Flickr

Trust is unconsciously determined, thanks to the amygdala: study

The part of the brain responsible for the fight-or-flight response also plays a key role in unconsciously processing a face’s trustworthiness – in a matter of milliseconds. A study published today…
By mimicking each other, humans try to physically understand each others’ emotions. Flickr: modenadude

Explainer: how we understand people and why it’s important

Social cognition is our ability to understand other people, and it enables us to predict their behaviour and share experiences. It’s also critical to understanding the many nuances underpinning everyday…
Pets can also provide their owners with social support, acting as a friend and confidante. Crashing Waves/flickr

Why science can’t really tell us whether pets are good for health

Links between human health and pet ownership are of widespread community interest but there’s little clarity about the issue in scientific circles. It is relatively safe to say that pets can be good for…

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