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Articles on Stuxnet

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Benny Marty/

US and Iran have a long, troubled history

Some of the major events in US-Iran relations highlight the differences between the nations’ views, but others presented real opportunities for reconciliation.
Inside the U.S. Army’s Cyber Operations Center at Fort Gordon, Georgia. Army-Cyber/flickr

America is ‘dropping cyberbombs’ – but how do they work?

The country’s actual offensive cyber capabilities remain shrouded in the classified world. But what is public is enough to discuss potential cyber weapons and how they might be used.
Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important. nikcname/Flickr

Australia could become a leader in cybersecurity research

Online infrastructure and business are becoming increasingly important, as is our need to focus research efforts on securing them from cyber-attack.
What’s worse than an enemy with a gun? An enemy with malicious code. Niall Carson/PA Archive/Press Association Images

South Korea’s cyber-war ambitions could backfire badly

South Korea has made a suprisingly public announcement that it plans to develop cyber-weapons for potential use against North Korea. The decision to make its plans known is baffling and the potential consequences…
Safety first, but which kind of safety? peretzp

Stuxnet is scary, but human safety should come first

Critical national infrastructure keeps our water and electricity flowing, our payments running and our manufacturing and distribution moving. This infrastructure faces a new threat in the form of cyber-attacks…

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