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Articles sur ABC

Affichage de 261 à 272 de 272 articles

The ABC will be left with significant holes in their schedule after the BBC signed a deal to share their content with Foxtel last week - will they fill it with more local content? EPA/Andy Rain

The Foxtel-BBC deal: implications for Australian television and content

The ABC’s 50-year TV partnership with the BBC is at breaking point after a landmark deal between the British broadcaster and pay TV provider Foxtel was announced last week. Under the new deal Foxtel will…
BBC Director-General George Entwistle has been forced to resign, plunging the public broadcaster into crisis. EPA/Facundo Arrizabalaga

BBC scandal: lessons for the ABC to learn

As the BBC considers splitting the role of its chief executive and editor-in-chief, should the ABC give serious thought to adopting a similar model? The ongoing turmoil at the BBC over an ever widening…
Any restriction on buying painkillers needs to be consistent with national privacy protection. Nils Geylen

For your own good? Privacy law and enthusiastic pharmacists

Earlier this week the ABC reported that a handful of pharmacists in Tasmania had engaged in community policing. They’re tracking the purchase of codeine-based painkillers, sharing information with their…
Rupert Murdoch says News Corp has improved governance since the News of the World scandal that led to the arrest of former News International head Rebecca Brooks. AAP

Murdoch, Scott defend governance in media

News Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch has survived a push by shareholders to have him removed as chairman, arguing the media giant has seized on the serious wrongdoing that occurred at some of its publications…
The ABC has been criticised for offering rolling 24-hour news, but chairman James Spigelman says the ABC must deliver a comprehensive service. ABC

Commercial media can’t satisfy Australian audiences: new ABC chair

The ABC’s new chairman, James Spigelman, has rejected claims the broadcaster should steer clear of the audiences already served by commercial rivals, arguing instead that the commercial sector’s ability…
The ABC has nothing to fear from an Abbott government, Malcolm Turnbull says. AAP

Turnbull says trust in ABC ‘crucial’ as newspapers fall

Shadow communications minister Malcolm Turnbull says the ABC will take on a crucial role as a source of well-funded, independent news as the nation’s biggest newspapers continue their demise. Mr Turnbull…
Fairfax Media needs a patron - and the one on offer is Gina Rinehart. AAP

Fairfax is broke and dying before our eyes - it needs Gina

Every business needs paying customers. Who those paying customers are varies from business to business. The single largest paying customer for Australian universities, for example, is the federal government…
The Convergence review’s final recommendations have fallen short when it comes to Australian content. AAP/Dean Lewins

Convergence Review: missed opportunity with Australian content

The Convergence Review Final Report released yesterday appears at first blush to promise major changes to the Australian media landscape. The report flags the creation of a new communications regulator…
Mark Scott, managing director of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. AAP/Alan Porritt

Mark Scott on the future of your ABC

Welcome to In Conversation, our series of discussions between leading academics and major public figures in Australian life. In this instalment, Mark Scott, managing director of the Australian Broadcasting…
The way the Federal Government has handled the Australia Network tender could see it forced to pay compensation to Sky News. AAP

Is the Federal Government legally liable for treating Sky News unfairly?

The Australian Government’s handling of just who should run the Australia Network is manifestly controversial. And it may have put itself in the position of having to pay out compensation to the passed-over…

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