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Articles sur Genetic risk

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People whose mother had a history of memory loss had a greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease at any age. Sergii Gnatiuk/ Shutterstock

Alzheimer’s risk higher if your mother had cognitive problems

This study confirms what many smaller studies have previously shown about the role genetics plays when it comes to Alzheimer’s disease.
Almost every genetic database shares information with the pharmaceutical industry but it wasn’t until law enforcement started using the databases that consumers took note. (Unsplash)

Home genealogy kit sales plummet over data privacy concerns

Privacy concerns that emerged since law enforcement started mining the databases have put such a serious dent in the business that both and 23andMe have reduced employees significantly.
Children grow up to look somewhat like their parents. Flickr/d26b73

Curious Kids: Why do people grow to certain sizes?

Every human carries an instruction booklet with a very special code, called DNA. Our eyes cannot read the code, but our bodies can. The code tells our body what to do and how to look.
What secrets will your DNA give away? Connect world/

Your genome may have already been hacked

When you send off a cheek swab to one of the private genome companies, you may sacrifice not just your own privacy but that of your family and your ancestors.

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