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Articles sur Internet

Affichage de 201 à 220 de 633 articles

The internet is growing, but old information continues to disappear daily. wk1003mike/

Your internet data is rotting

MySpace users were recently shocked to learn that the company lost 50 million user files. It’s a harsh lesson in not leaving your intellectual property unprotected on the information superhighway.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison, with his wife Jenny Morrison, used a campaign rally at the Breakers Country Club in Wambarel to speak about online safety on May 5 2019. Mick Tsikas /AAP

Coalition plans to improve online safety don’t address the root cause of harms: the big tech business model

It’s easy to legislate for new offences and more incarceration. It’s harder – and more expensive – to ensure the community is safer in the long term. This involves addressing causes, not effects.
Living in an urban centre is no guarantee for new NBN technology. from

Around 50% of homes in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane have the oldest NBN technology

Around half of homes in three major Australian cities only have access to very old technology: hybrid fibre-coaxial (HFC). For them, access to the NBN fibre network remains only a fairy tale.
Optical fibres carry data from the web, these cables were previously neutral containers – but not anymore. Groman123/Flickr

The end of web neutrality, the end of the Internet?

Until last December, Internet service providers were required to respect the principle of web neutrality. This is no longer the case in the United States. What are the consequences?
Women in Mexico City carry a banner reading “Legal and safe abortion across Mexico” during the commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (November 25, 2018). Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP

Is the future of abortion online?

While the abortion debate continues worldwide, even in countries where it has long been legal, new drugs and telemedicine services could provide access to safe abortion beyond borders and laws.
They’re small and well-connected, but how safe are ‘internet of things’ devices? BeeBright/

The quiet threat inside ‘internet of things’ devices

As the number of ‘internet of things’ devices expands rapidly, so do security vulnerabilities to homes, businesses, governments and the internet as as whole.
A sign marks the location of a Chicago Marriott. In November 2018 the hotel chain said their guest reservation database was hacked, compromising the security of up to 500 million customers. Scott Olson/AFP

Marriott data breach: 500 million times concerned

The November 30, 2018, Marriott International announced a data breach concerning 500 million clients, the second biggest ever. With new data breaches announced nearly every day, how , everyone is now wondering how this was possible.

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