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Articles sur National security

Affichage de 261 à 280 de 418 articles

Defence Minister Marise Payne inherited a draft of the defence white paper last year, but wanted to put her own stamp on it. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

Defence white paper: an extra $29.9 billion spending over a decade

The defence white paper will pledge an additional $29.9 billion in defence spending over the coming decade and support for businesses to innovate in areas such as cyber security and aeronautics.
Federal computer systems are under near-constant attack from hackers and cyberthieves. Is our information protected well enough? Colin

Why the IRS was just hacked – again – and what the feds can do about it

Federal networks need stronger cybersecurity measures than most organizations, but have not yet gotten the budget or staffing commitments that would protect them properly.
George Brandis says the government will adopt the proposed changes to anti-terror laws that criminalise disclosure. AAP/Lukas Coch

Despite changes, terror law will still curb press freedom

Until a public interest exemption is included in Section 35P, the offence will continue to impact press freedom and have a chilling effect on media organisations’ ability to report on ASIO’s activities.
Tony Abbott leaves the partyroom on September 14, having lost the Liberal leadership and prime ministership to Malcolm Turnbull. AAP/Sam Mooy

2015, the year that was: Politics + Society

2015 started as it finished, with terrorist atrocities, intractable conflicts and political upheavals that toppled several leaders, including Australia’s prime minister, Tony Abbott.
State leaders endorsed a plan at COAG last week that would see some terrorists jailed indefinitely. AAP/David Moir

The government still needs to demonstrate that indefinite detention for terrorists is necessary

Detaining persons convicted of terrorist offences for lengthy periods after they have served their time could risk radicalising a section of the community who see the measure as unjust.
Most Australians are unlikely to be able to describe the doctrine of the separation of powers, but they’re quick to assert their liberties under the rubric of a ‘fair go’. AAP/Richard Milnes

Gillian Triggs: How the ‘fair go’ became the last bulwark for Australia’s freedoms

The government’s uncontested assessment of national interest and security often trumps the rule of domestic and international law, as well as Australia’s obligations under human rights treaties.
The government’s citizenship-stripping bill passed on the final parliamentary sitting day of 2015. AAP/Dan Peled

New laws make loss of citizenship a counter-terrorism tool

If we are content to sanction, disapprove and respond to sole nationals committing terror-related offences without revoking their citizenship, why is revocation necessary for dual nationals?
Australia’s grand mufti, Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at a national day of unity event in Canberra. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Terrorism debate can’t be stifled, must be managed

The divide within government ranks over handling the terrorism issue has been highlighted by the tough words at the weekend from Resources Minister Josh Frydenberg.
Justice Minister Michael Keenan, ASIO head Duncan Lewis and Attorney-General George Brandis announce a new national terrorism threat advisory system. Lukas Coch/AAP

New terror threat advisory system but no substantive change in the threat

The new five-level National Terrorism Threat Advisory System has come into operation. It places the current threat of an attack in Australia as “probable”.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced that a new terrorism threat advisory system, which had been recommended by ASIO and been subject of extensive consultation, was now coming into operation. Lukas Coch/AAP

Turnbull warns of increased threat of terrorism in the region after recent attacks

Malcolm Turnbull has asked Australian law enforcement agencies to test their responses to a mass casualty attack in the wake of the killings in Paris and elsewhere.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull meets with his Malaysian counterpart Najib Razak on the sidelines of the ASEAN summit in Kuala Lumpur. EPA/Ahmad Yusni

Turnbull resists pressure to put Dutton on national security committee

Federal cabinet’s national security committee meets on Monday, as Malcolm Turnbull continues to resist pressure from the Liberal right to make Peter Dutton a permanent member of it.

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