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Articles sur News Corporation

Affichage de 21 à 31 de 31 articles

Modern pay-TV systems have improved security, but the techniques for getting into them are also better. goodbanta

Pay-TV smartcard hacking – how easy is it?

Over the last couple of days a small furore has erupted over allegations a News Corp subsidiary, NDS, has been hacking the pay-TV smartcards of News Corp’s competitors, and even News Corp’s own companies…
News Corporation is facing claims a subsidiary engaged in piracy against pay TV rivals in a bid to destabilise them. AAP

Pay TV piracy claims bring a fresh storm for News Corp

The Australian Financial Review has published allegations that a “secret unit” within Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation undertook a program of piracy against pay television operators in a bid to damage…
Rebekah Brooks travels to News International headquarters last year. EPA/Kerim Okten

Hackgate: the impact of Rebekah Brooks’ arrest

Former News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks and her husband Charlie were among a number of people arrested yesterday UK time on charges of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. She…
Can a Sunday version of top selling weekday tabloid The Sun recapture readers lost when the News of the World was closed? AAP/Facundo Arrizabalaga

The Sunday Sun rises: will the replacement News of the World shine for Murdoch?

I write on the day that Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp launches its Sunday Sun in the UK, to widespread astonishment at the man’s “chutzpah” and apparent lack of remorse for the ethical breaches which brought…
The way the Federal Government has handled the Australia Network tender could see it forced to pay compensation to Sky News. AAP

Is the Federal Government legally liable for treating Sky News unfairly?

The Australian Government’s handling of just who should run the Australia Network is manifestly controversial. And it may have put itself in the position of having to pay out compensation to the passed-over…
Self-regulation of newspapers can lead to a conflict of interest. AAP/William West

Independent media inquiry: self-regulation key to freedom of press

The Gillard Government has announced it will hold an inquiry into the state of the Australian print media. One of the key elements investigated will be the role of the Australian Press Council, the self-regulatory…
Rupert Murdoch’s News Ltd owns 70 per cent of Australia’s daily print media. AAP

The danger of equating freedom of speech with ‘freedom of the press’

While “Murdochgate” rolls on, the question of what it means for Australia has inevitably been attracting considerable attention. In this discussion, News Ltd itself has played a leading role. For those…
Rupert Murdoch holding a copy of The Times, a News International paper. AAP

The perils of trying to regulate for ethical behaviour

In little more than two weeks, the long simmering issue of illegal phone hacking at News Corporation’s British newspaper News of the World has developed into a cascading crisis, with fatal results for…
As both CEO and chair of News Corp, Murdoch must accept blame for his employees’ behaviour. AAP

Corporate governance 101: the buck stops with Rupert Murdoch

News Corporation shareholders would have been justifiably disturbed when James and Rupert Murdoch told this week’s UK parliamentary committee hearing that they could not be held responsible for the behaviour…

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