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Articles sur Osama bin Laden

Affichage de 41 à 60 de 60 articles

Mourners will gather on the site of the Twin Towers to remember 9/11 victims today. AFP/Alex Fuchs

Remembering 9/11

Ten years ago today, on September 11th 2001, al-Qaida terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington. Passengers on a fourth jet overpowered hijackers, bringing…
Will some US troops remain in Afghanistan to guarantee security or will they all be withdrawn? AAP

The Afghanistan Drawdown: the South Korea or Vietnam model?

On Wednesday, absent the flight suit, President Obama gave his own version of George W. Bush’s “mission accomplished” speech. His temporary escalation of 33,000 troops in Afghanistan had worked. A third…
The funeral of Australian soldier Marcus Case, killed in Afghanistan in June. AAP

The unwinnable war in Afghanistan

In an interview conducted in Kabul on Monday June 6, perhaps not coincidentally the 67th anniversary of the Normandy D-Day landings, the top US military commander in Afghanistan, General David Petraeus…
Obama has outlined American foreign policy in the Middle East. AAP

The Obama doctrine

President Barack Obama’s speech on the Middle East and North Africa yesterday is being considered a landmark event in US foreign policy. Made in the wake of the so-called Arab spring and the killing of…
The American government tends not to assassinate enemies. AAP

Killing Osama: the exception that proves the rule

The western liberal’s capacity for self-flagellation is seemingly endless. There is no enemy that the liberal west did not create. There is no inhumanity that the west did not begin. There is no crime…
Targeted killing is assassination by another name. AAP

Why assassination seems to be the hardest word

Osama bin Laden is dead - assassinated a fortnight ago by bullets sprayed from the guns of special armed forces of the United States. During the wild celebrations that followed, the word “assassination…
Recovering information from Osama’s hard drives may be impossible. wokka/Flickr

Cracking bin Laden’s computer code: unlikely

It has been reported that Osama bin Laden’s hard drives have been seized, hard drives that could conceivably contain information regarding the membership, funding and future plans of al-Qaeda. Information…
Osama bin Laden masterminded the 9/11 attacks, but his death won’t mean an end to the terror threat. AFP/Doug Kanter

The death of bin Laden doesn’t mean the terror threat is over

The US military’s assassination of Osama bin Laden in North Pakistan is an important landmark in the “war on terror”. As the leader of al Qaeda he was the primary target of the military campaign to defeat…
The news of the operation against Osama bin Laden was news to the authorities in Pakistan, as well as the rest of the world. AFP/Asif Hassan

Why the US-Pakistan relationship will survive bin Laden’s death

The killing of Osama bin Laden by US forces on Pakistani soil has come at a time when relations between the two countries have been rather strained. Analysts point out that al-Qaida today is a diffuse…
Confirmation of bin Laden’s death came before Obama took to the podium. AAP

When Obama gets Osama, the world turns to Twitter

Where were you when you heard about Osama bin Laden’s death? Increasingly, the answer to this and similar questions may be, “I was on Twitter.” From the “inland tsunami” washing down Queensland’s Lockyer…
US forces “eased” bin Laden’s body into the Arabian Sea. AAP

The story behind Osama bin Laden’s watery grave

Osama bin Laden has long been a focus for conspiracy theorists with many claiming that he did not in fact play a role in the 9/11 attacks on the United States. That catastrophe was, so the theory goes…
President Obama and senior US officials watch the raid on bin Laden. White House

Arab world won’t miss bin Laden: he was never that popular anyway

Superficially the death of Osama bin Laden on May 1 in Pakistan is a spectacular event; the sort that might one day elicit the “Where were you” type question from a curious youth hearing about al-Qa’eda…
President Obama announces the death of Osama bin Laden. AAP

Bin Laden’s death no guarantee of Obama second term

History will record that Osama bin Laden was killed by American forces during Barack Obama’s presidency only days after he was forced to release his birth certificate to prove his eligibility in office…
President Obama announcing bin Laden’s death earlier today.

Expert view: bin Laden’s death a boon for Obama

Osama bin Laden, the leader of global militant network al-Qaeda, has been killed in Pakistan by a small team of U.S. operatives, U.S. President Barack Obama said on Monday. Experts comment on the significance…
More Australian troops are dying in Afghanistan than at any time since the 2001 invasion. AAP

A moral case against the war in Afghanistan

When Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 he offered some reflections on just war theory and sought to justify, partly in its light, the war he inherited in Afghanistan. He did not apply…

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