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Articles sur Parasites

Affichage de 81 à 100 de 152 articles

Just as organisms that infect us make changes in us - we too make changes in them and they grow and adapt to their human hosts. from

How we change the organisms that infect us

Humans play host to many little passengers. Right now, you’re incubating, shedding or have already been colonised by viral, bacterial, parasitic or fungal microorganisms - perhaps even all of them.
Children living in areas with poor sanitation and hygiene account for 60% of people around the world infected with intestinal worms. Marcos Brindicci/Reuters

A new approach for controlling intestinal worm infections could help millions of the world’s most vulnerable people

There’s a growing body of evidence that shows we could be doing more for the close to billion children at risk of intestinal worms. We simply cannot afford to ignore it.
Kisses aren’t the only magic that happens under Australian mistletoe. Margaret Donald/Flickr

Mistletoe: the kiss of life for healthy forests

In many parts of the world, Christmas and mistletoe are inextricably intertwined. But in the natural world, mistletoe has long fascinated naturalists and scientists.
Bill Campbell was awarded a Nobel Prize for medicine for this role in the discovery and development of the drug Ivermectin to treat river blindness. Brian Snyder/Reuters

Meeting Bill Campbell, the Nobel Prize winner for medicine

Back in 2012, I had the great pleasure of meeting with William (Bill) Campbell at Trinity College. We were among a group of five receiving honorary doctorates from the University of Dublin.

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