Young Australians and New Zealanders have been campaigning for better climate action for years. It seems their message might be getting through, according to new research.
Participating in the Australian democratic system is not straightforward for newcomers. New research finds Australia should invest more effort into ensuring new migrants understand the voting system.
After the referendum loss, the government hasn’t had much of a plan for Indigenous Australians. The new minister’s biggest challenge will be making one.
Paula Lorgelly, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau et Richard Edlin, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau
The Associate Health Minister’s letter of expectations for Pharmac includes things that could fundamentally alter its core objective of getting the best health outcomes within its budget.
Personal activism has achieved major legislative change, such as no-fault divorce and the decriminalisation of homosexuality and abortion. But it’s also used by groups who want to reverse that change.
Sir Keir Starmer may hold the reins of power, but true leadership goes beyond titles. Could the ancient wisdom of Welsh mythology offer him the insights needed to lead the country effectively?
Putting aside concerns about feasibility and cost, it’s difficult to square the policy with the basic principles on which the Liberal Party was founded.
The Australian Labor Party has been around for more than a century. In that time, very few MPs have crossed the floor. Why does it matter so much that one did?
While Labor has a small bump in the polls, the prime minister’s net approval rating has hit its lowest point this year. But voters are more disapproving of Peter Dutton.