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Articles sur Public health

Affichage de 1121 à 1140 de 2143 articles

Lagos state officials disinfecting roads in the state. Shutterstock

Coronavirus: what Nigeria can do post lockdown

A continuous lock down is detrimental to Nigeria’s large population of people living below poverty lines, but lifting the restrictions without a proper plan is equally dangerous. Here’s what to do.
The Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association is calling on health authorities to “implement a more compassionate approach to end-of-life visitations … during the COVID-19 pandemic.” (Shutterstock)

Coronavirus public health restrictions shouldn’t mean dying alone

Preventing people from dying alone in a pandemic takes ingenuity and money, but it’s the right thing to do.
Some of the highest coronavirus hospitalization rates in Denver are in neighborhoods near Valverde, a community that was once redlined. RJ Sangosti/Denver Post via Getty Images

Is your neighborhood raising your COVID risk? Redlining decades ago set communities up for greater danger

Neighborhood characteristics like pollution from busy roads, widespread public transit use and lack of community-based health care are putting certain communities at greater risk from COVID-19.

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