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Articles sur Renewable energy

Affichage de 981 à 1000 de 1299 articles

Australia has 1.4 million solar rooftops. But it is with the addition of battery storage that energy grids will really be revolutionised. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Malcolm Turnbull wants to embrace ‘disruptive technology’ – he can start with solar power storage

New prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has stressed the importance of embracing ‘disruptive’ technologies that shake up existing business models. Solar power and battery storage is one of the most enticing options.
Few other world leaders are as enthusiastic as Tony Abbott in endorsing coal as ‘good for humanity’. AAP/Dan Peled

Zombie politics vs climate action: will the coming election focus on our future?

Australia’s failure to lead on climate action marks a stark shift in political priorities in the past decade. The government is all about immediate economic returns whatever the long-term costs.
Will alternate solar technologies get a boost if solar overall grows? Walmartcorporate/flickr

Do we need a solar power technology breakthrough?

Hillary Clinton’s renewable energy plan is ambitious but, on a technical level, doable. Would it foster more solar technology innovation?
California has realised that investing in renewables is smart economic policy. Tony Webster/Wikimedia Commons

50% renewable energy would put Australia in line with leading nations

Ramping up investment in renewable energy would put Australia on a footing with competitors such as China, Germany and California, which are set to reap the economic benefits of this emerging sector.
Labor wants 50% of Australia’s electricity to come from renewables by 2030 - but what about other climate policies? Lawrence Murray/Flickr

Labor embraces renewables at the cost of good climate policy

Labor’s proposal for 50% renewables demonstrates in spades how poisonous climate change politics has trumped good policy.

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