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Articles sur Tony Abbott

Affichage de 321 à 340 de 810 articles

Critics are already seeing Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s reaction to a cross-party same-sex marriage bill as Abbott going back on his word. AAP/Lukas Coch

Grattan on Friday: Abbott will look tricky if he tries to abort the same-sex marriage bill he encouraged

The prime minister is suddenly looking like a throwback to Tony Abbott, health minister, when he was fighting trenchantly against losing ministerial power over the abortion drug RU486.
The leak of the proposed same-sex marriage bill caught Prime Minister Tony Abbott by surprise. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Abbott caught in no-win situation on same-sex marriage

Tony Abbott’s office took quite a while to respond to Sky News’ Wednesday report that a group of backbenchers from across the parliament planned to bring forward a gay marriage bill.
Bill Shorten’s support – and that of his party – is almost entirely a function of public perceptions of Tony Abbott’s performance. AAP/Nikki Short

Shorten’s trust deficit is limiting Labor’s opportunities

Bill Shorten has neither built the profile nor provided the performance that renders him prime minister-in-waiting rather than fragile whinger-in-chief.
In Tony Abbott’s worldview, it seems, a person’s freedom of speech depends whose side they are on. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Abbott spins tangled web of free speech and editorial judgement

In all the politicking and government attacks on the ABC for giving a platform to former terror suspect Zaky Mallah, the free speech debate has become confused.
Pope Francis has made a strong call to action on climate change. AAP/Fabrizio Belluschi

Abbott has papal disconnect on fossil fuels, renewables

Tony Abbott gets some lucky breaks. Imagine if Pope Francis had issued [this week’s encyclical - with its clarion call for the world to address climate change - last year in the run up to the G20 hosted by Australia.
The Brotherhood of St Laurence’s ‘Given the Chance’ program enables asylum seekers and refugees to demonstrate their skills and loyalty as employees. Brotherhood of St Laurence

‘Very loyal’ productive workers: the same people we fear as refugees

Seeking asylum from persecution is a right and people who do so are not “illegals” under the law. Yet refugees are portrayed in negative and threatening terms in Australia, while positive stories are ignored.
Tony Abbott: ‘We can encourage jobs and tackle the costs of living far away from major cities’. AAP/Lukas Coch

Abbott to announce boost for the north

A 20-year roadmap to boost northern Australia’s development and investment will be unveiled by Prime Minister Tony Abbott.
The Abbott government has hid asylum policy behind ‘operational matters’ since it took office – starting with then-immigration minister Scott Morrison in 2013. AAP/Paul Miller

Boats secrecy leads to bad policy without democratic accountability

The withholding of information about government actions in asylum seeker policy undermines its democratic accountability to the Australian people.
Pressure is mounting inside and outside Australia for greater action on climate. AAP Image/Dan Peled

The pressure is mounting on Abbott to deliver on climate

International and domestic forces appear to be conspiring to significantly ratchet up the pressure on Prime Minster Tony Abbott’s climate policy.
Australia’s reaction to revelations that its citizens were fighting for IS follows a pattern of intellectual and state fear-mongering. AAP/Lukas Coch

Radical Islam and the West: the moral panic behind the threat

If governments are to maintain public support for their military ventures, war narratives must be kept simple and consistent. The underlying message must not change: the West is always the innocent victim of terrorism, never its perpetrator.
Julie Bishop: ‘The best way for Indonesia to resolve any concerns it has about Operation Sovereign Borders is for Indonesia to enforce sovereignty over its borders’. AAP/Paul Miller

Catch him if you can: Abbott digs in against questions at home and abroad

The government has admitted that it will do whatever it takes to keep the boats stopped and, it seems, if that takes slapping the Indonesians around a bit, it doesn’t seem too concerned. As senior Indonesian…
Tony Abbott wouldn’t say whether ‘by hook or by crook’ included paying thousands of dollars to turn back a recent boat bound for New Zealand. AAP/David Moir

Abbott won’t say whether Australia paid people smugglers to turn boat around

Tony Abbott declared on Friday that Australia stopped the people smuggling boats “by hook or by crook”. What Abbott wouldn’t say is whether “by hook or by crook” included paying thousands of dollars to…
Tony Abbott said Australia was talking with our friends and partners about ‘how the Iraqi forces might be better helped’. AAP/Dean Lewins

Government wants improvement in use of its Iraq contribution

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has flagged that Australia would like to see its substantial military contribution to the war against Islamic State more effectively used.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s default political position is confrontation. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Grattan on Friday: Pugilist Abbott spins for fights

Liberal backbencher Craig Laundy, who won the marginal seat of Reid from Labor in 2013, this week started making videos that he’s promoting as “spin-free”.

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