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Politics – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 601 - 625 of 2900 articles

Ontario Premier Doug Ford talks to the media on a construction site in Brampton, Ont., in May 2022. Later in the year, the Ford government justified its adoption of sweeping housing legislation and the opening of parts of the Greater Toronto Area Greenbelt for development, stating that it was needed to address “the housing supply crisis.” THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

Has Ontario’s housing ‘plan’ been built on a foundation of evidentiary sand?

Evidence suggests that Ontario neither had a shortage of pre-authorized housing starts to accommodate its growing population, nor did it have a shortage of designated land to build such homes.
A wall at a supervised consumption site in Ottawa is decorated with notes written in chalk. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Supervised consumption sites reduce drug overdoses and disease transmission — and deserve government support

Supervised consumption sites provide essential community connections and services for those who use them. By closing them, governments are risking the welfare of people who use drugs.
Residents watch a burning infrastructure project hit during a massive Russian drone night strike in Kyiv, Ukraine, in December 2022. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

Russia is using drones to target Ukrainian electricity and erode morale

With electricity in Ukraine constantly disrupted by Russian attacks, the Ukrainian population faces a difficult choice — to remain in the country under such conditions, or flee abroad.
Cathay Pacific crew members who worked on a flight from Hong Kong arrive at Vancouver International Airport. Canada now requires air travellers from China, Hong Kong and Macau to have a recent negative COVID-19 test result. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Canada’s new COVID test rules: Targeting travellers from China will not stop globally circulating Omicron subvariant

Canada’s new COVID-19 testing requirement for travellers arriving from China is unlikely to prevent the spread of new subvariants.
Psychedelics are being held up as a potential solution to the growing need for mental health treatment. But, magic mushrooms are not magic bullets. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)

Alberta’s new policy on psychedelic drug treatment for mental illness: Will Canada lead the psychedelic renaissance?

Alberta’s new policy on psychedelic-assisted therapy for mental illness may set a precedent that moves Canadians one step closer to accepting psychedelics as medicinal substances.
A paddler launches a canoe on Bass Lake in central Ontario on Canada Day, 2021. Could humble Canada be heading towards superpower status in the decades to come? THE CANADIAN PRESS/Fred Thornhill

Canada, a superpower? Here’s how the country might one day fit the bill

In 1776, with a population of 2.5 million, few imagined that within two centuries, the U.S. would become the dominant superpower. It’s not inconceivable that Canada could do the same by 2223.
A new act in Canada bans non-citizens, non-permanent residents and foreign commercial enterprises from buying Canadian residential properties. (Shutterstock)

Canada’s ban on foreign homebuyers is unlikely to affect housing affordability

Since foreign owners only represent a tiny segment of the housing market, it’s unlikely that Canada’s new ban on foreign homebuyers will make homes more affordable for Canadians.
A rare photo from an Indian Residential School in Fort Resolution, N.W.T. These systems have been labeled a form of genocide by the Canadian House of Commons. (Department of Mines and Technical Surveys/Library and Archives Canada)

Residential school system recognized as genocide in Canada’s House of Commons: A harbinger of change

Canada’s recent resolution to label the Indian Residential School system as genocide (and not cultural genocide) is not a mere alteration of words, it is a significant and consequential change.
Tax season is soon upon us, making it an opportune time to make Canada’s taxation system more democratic. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graeme Roy

How a proposed app called TaxTrack could make taxes more democratic

Tax season is fast approaching, but there are limited opportunities for Canadians to influence how their taxes are spent. Here’s how a new innovation could lead to a more democratic tax system.
The pharma industry warned that if proposed new prescription price guidelines go ahead, drug launches would be delayed and ‘Canadian patients will be deprived of potentially life-saving new medicines.’ (Shutterstock)

How the pharmaceutical industry uses disinformation to undermine drug price reform

The pharma industry claims lower prescription drug prices will mean less access to new medication for Canadians. It’s an old threat that pits profits against patients’ rights to affordable drugs.
Language policy in Canada suggests misunderstanding among government officials and the general public about language use, international language rights and their implications. (Shutterstock)

Supporting minority languages requires more than token gestures

Canada’s population is more diverse than ever, with many different languages represented. Government policy must reflect that diversity and offer meaningful support to minority languages.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Defence Minister Anita Anand join U.S. officials in a NORAD briefing at the North American Aerospace Defense Command and United States Northern Command Headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colo., in June 2022. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Amid tumultuous times, NORAD needs a consistent Canada-U.S. commitment

NORAD is having a moment in the wake of growing tensions between the United States, China and Russia. Will it last?
Defence Minister Anita Anand holds a media availability on Parliament Hill in December 2022 on her report to Parliament on culture change reforms at the Canadian Armed Forces. It’s the latest of many pledges to reform the CAF’s culture. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

What’s taking Canada’s Armed Forces so long to tackle sexual misconduct?

Sexual violence in the Canadian Armed Forces is a common, dominant and serious issue that can have severe consequences for victims. Why is the military so slow to seriously address it?
People protest outside the Tendercare Living Centre long-term-care facility in Scarborough, Ont. during the COVID-19 pandemic in December 2020. This LTC home was hit hard by the second wave of COVID-19. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

Why for-profit homes won’t solve long-term care issues: Privatizing health services is a bad idea that just won’t go away

Privatization is an idea that — like a zombie —just won’t die. It’s re-emerging with calls to solve the long-term care crisis with for-profit care homes. Evidence refutes the same old arguments.
At corporations and organizations like universities, policies meant to promote equity, diversity and inclusion are being used to enhance wealth and status. (Sam Balye, Unsplash)

How equity, diversity and inclusion policies are becoming a tool for capitalism

Equity, diversity and inclusion policies are being used to obtain status and financial benefit. It’s the very antithesis of EDI as a tool for democratic and equitable citizenship.
Former Saskatchewan Premier and national New Democratic Party leader T.C. (Tommy) Douglas in 1965. Douglas was instrumental in the creation of Medicare. The Canadian Press

Looking forward into the past: Lessons for the future of Medicare on its 60th anniversary

At the dawn of Medicare, Saskatchewan’s community co-op clinics pioneered team-based, holistic care. Now, with the health system in crisis 60 years later, it may be time to return to that care model.