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Articles on Charities

Displaying 61 - 80 of 106 articles

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan are giving billions to charity through their donor-advised fund instead of a traditional foundation. Jeff Chiu/AP Photo

Donor-advised funds: Charities with benefits

As these tax-exempt vehicles transform philanthropy, they’re drawing more scrutiny. Will Congress or the Trump administration tinker with the rules that encouraged their rapid growth?
It is an attractive proposition to say we would gain significant efficiencies if there were a limited number of major providers of government-funded human services. shutterstock

There are more useful questions to ask than whether Australia has ‘too many’ charities

If we continue to base our views of the charity sector on incorrect assumptions and perceptions we run the risk of doing considerable damage to a national asset.
Lyndon Johnson, who was friends with evangelist Billy Graham, wasn’t targeting religious groups when he pushed his eponymous amendment in 1954. AP Photo

Trump’s vow to ‘destroy’ Johnson Amendment could wreak havoc on charitable world

President Trump recently repeated his pledge to eliminate the 63-year-old law, which bans charities from engaging in political activities, at the National Prayer Breakfast.
Give a little? Wad of cash via

Does being wealthy make you more charitable?

Research suggests the answer, surprisingly, may be no, but behavioral science offers a few ways to encourage the wealthy to open their wallets a little wider.

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