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Articles on Circumcision

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Anti-mask protesters at a rally in Orem, Utah. AP Photo/Rick Bowmer

Why masks are a religious issue

Are masks a religious matter, or is religion being used to suit people’s political agendas? A scholar of Christian conservatism and culture argues both can be true.
Initiates undergoing the traditional passage to manhood in Qunu, in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Many either die or get maimed during the winter practice. Reuters/Siegfried Modola

Changes in gender norms are making initiation safer for South African boys

The practices around the traditional passage to manhood in South Africa are changing and beginning to encompass women as family patterns change. But, there are mixed feelings about the changes.
Female genital mutilation is happening in the UK. London Safeguarding Children Board

UK letting down victims of female genital mutilation

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is happening across the UK but despite being illegal for nearly 30 years, there have been no convictions. Fortunately, politicians are beginning to pick up on the issue…
A protest against circumcision in the United States, where the debate about circumcision is still raging. sigmaration/Flickr

Tradition vs individual rights: the current debate on circumcision

Non-therapeutic circumcision of male infants and boys has always been a controversial issue – and never has opinion been more polarised. In the United States, medical authorities have just overturned…
Infant male circumcision violates aspects of international human rights law, which Australia is bound to uphold. Chris Woods

Infant male circumcision: stop violating boys’ human rights

In an article published recently on this site, “Male circumcision policy ignores research showing benefits”, the authors stated some alleged benefits of infant male circumcision and argued the Royal Australasian…
Circumcising boys in the neonatal period using local anaesthesia maximises benefits and safety. TheGiantVermin/Flickr

Male circumcision policy ignores research showing benefits

For some time now, all the departments of health in Australia have based their policy on male circumcision on reviews of the scientific literature carried out periodically by the Royal Australasian College…
For many, infant circumcision is contentious purely because it involves infants rather than because it involves pain. Lars Plougmann

German case opens up another battle in the circumcision war

Bioethicists, human rights advocates and criminal lawyers are watching another outbreak of the “circumcision wars”, after yesterday’s decision by a provincial court in Cologne, Germany, that circumcision…
The benefits of circumcision outweigh the risks by 100 to one. Jeff Dickerson

Male infant circumcision: ‘safe, convenient, cheap and fast’

Medical circumcision of baby boys has plummeted in Australia, with only 20% of male infants now undergoing the procedure, down from 90% in the 1970s. Meanwhile, HIV infections continue to rise in the broader…

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