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Articles on Democratic Alliance

Displaying 81 - 100 of 121 articles

South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma isn’t blinking despite suffering another resounding loss in the Constitutional Court. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

South Africa’s Jacob Zuma is fast running out of political lives

President Jacob Zuma has been brought to book repeatedly by South Africa’s courts. He also faces a rising tide of discontent. One way or another, he seems to be running out of political lives.
South Africa’s Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng making a ruling on secret ballots in Parliament at the Constitutional Court in Johannesburg. Siphiwe Sibeko/Reuters

There are dangers behind giving South African MPs the right to a secret ballot

A motion of no confidence - secret or open - in South Africa’s president will be destabilising. There’s value in ensuring that such a hefty decision is made openly and with courage of conviction.
Demonstrators protest outside South Africa’s Parliament in Cape Town against President Jacob Zuma’s firing of Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

Zuma’s critics within the ANC are vocal. But will they act?

Are those ANC members critical of Zuma willing to stand up and be counted? Will Pravin Gordhan, popular hero of the hour, provide one further great service to the nation?
Security officials remove members of the Economic Freedom Fighters during South African President Jacob Zuma’s State of the Nation Address. Reuters/Sumaya Hisham

Zuma’s state of the nation address: nothing but farce and fisticuffs

The ANC should draw the lesson that South Africans are unlikely to tolerate the ongoing descent of their politics into the gutter without strident resistance - in the streets, if necessary.
South Africans queue to vote in the 2016 municipal elections. The governing ANC is accused of wanting to generate ‘fake news’ to influence voters. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

Fake news: the internet has turned an age-old problem into a new threat

The planting of messages and countering narratives in the media is not new. It’s part and parcel of contemporary politics especially during elections. The internet simply makes an old problem worse.
The opportunity for emerging political figures to make their mark is considerable. The Conversation

Five political leaders to watch in 2017

Here are five political leaders from around the world who are emerging as significant talents and possible contenders for influence in 2017 and beyond.
South African President Jacob Zuma. What next? Reuters/Philimon Bulawayo

Zuma and ANC run out of road as bad news piles up

South African President Jacob Zuma’s days of spinning out court cases indefinitely and at taxpayers’ expense may soon come to an end – possibly his worst news in a week of bad news.
Protestors call for the removal of South Africa President Jacob Zuma outside court in Pretoria, the capital city. Mike Hutchings/Reuters

Tide begins to turn against South Africa’s president and his supporters

For the moment President Zuma’s supporters control the governing ANC’s levers of power. But an unprecedented number of people in the ANC are turning against him. How long will the centre hold?
Des van Rooyen, cooperative governance minister and new treasurer-general of the MK Military Veterans Association.

Comrades in arms against apartheid are now at one another’s throats

MK, the army of the then banned ANC, electrified millions of oppressed people to rise against the apartheid regime. Today, its veterans are being used in factional battles within the ruling party.
Herman Mashaba, businessman and member of the Democratic Alliance, now mayor of Johannesburg. Jurgen Marx

Business people can make great politicians, but …

Business people who become politicians can bring fresh energy into the public service. They come from an ecosystem that is driven by urgency to produce measurable results.

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