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Articles on Fossil fuels

Displaying 81 - 100 of 657 articles

Sultan Ahmed al-Jaber, CEO of the United Arab Emirates’ state oil company, will be leading the COP28 United Nations climate conference. Francois Walschaerts/AFP via Getty Images

Backlash to the oil CEO leading the UN climate summit overlooks his ambitious agenda for COP28 – and concerns of the Global South

An analysis of past UN conference presidencies suggests the 2023 summit’s agenda would do more to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels.
The U.S. government is the single largest buyer of services and goods, like vehicles. That has an impact on the economy. Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images

Climate change is about to play a big role in government purchases – with vast implications for the US economy

The Biden administration directed agencies to consider the cost of greenhouse gas emissions in their future purchasing and budget decisions. An example shows just how much is at stake.
Renewable energy jobs often aren’t close to fossil fuel workers’ homes. Prapass Pulsub/Moment via Getty Images

Fossil fuel workers have the skills to succeed in green jobs, but location is a major barrier to a just transition

In a greener future, what becomes of current fossil fuel workers? Despite possessing skills applicable to green industries, their geographical locations will limit their opportunities.
Not only is deforestation unsightly. Fewer trees also mean less precious carbon sinks to absorb anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Flickr

Why we won’t be able to prevent climate breakdown without changing our relationship to the rest of the living world

Any smart climate strategy will need to simultaneously move away from fossil fuels and protect biodiversity, including through carbon sink preservation and a shift toward sustainable agriculture.

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