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Articles on General practice

Displaying 41 - 60 of 92 articles

The mother’s education level is also a factor. Brainsil/Shutterstock

These 3 factors predict a child’s chance of obesity in adolescence (and no, it’s not just their weight)

One in four Australians is overweight or obese by the time they reach adolescence, but it’s difficult to predict who is at risk. These three questions can help.
More women would favour the pill over less reliable forms of contraception if it was available without prescription. Image Point Fr/Shutterstock

Over-the-counter contraceptive pill could save the health system $96 million a year

New modelling shows skipping the need for a doctors’ prescription and going straight to a pharmacist for the pill could save the health system A$96 million a year and improve women’s health outcomes.
Farmers experiencing drought-related stress need personal, financial and social support. from

Farmers experiencing drought-related stress need targeted support

Farmers experience drought-related stress. Improving their mental health enhances adaptive capacity and resilience. Drought support must address relationships between drought and mental health.
New data shows many Australians aren’t seeing their doctors because it costs too much. from

Cost of doctor visits putting off rural Australians: report

In some parts of Australia, patients are twice to three times more likely to avoid seeing their GP because they can’t afford it, according to figures released today.
Off-label use is when an approved medicine is prescribed for a different reason, at a different dose, or in different patient groups than originally intended. Benny Lin/Flickr

Explainer: why are off-label medicines prescribed?

The off-label use of medicines is not illegal and it doesn’t mean regulators have specifically “disapproved” its use. But there are a number of issues to consider before using a medicine off-label.

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