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Articles on Health

Displaying 1021 - 1040 of 1235 articles

Health impacts from anti-Black racism and anti-Indigeneity are often dismissed or kept silent by health scholars and health care workers. Shutterstock

Racism impacts your health

A health and human rights researcher, therapist and professor explains why racial justice is a public health issue.
Hiccups might be a way to train breathing muscles and our hiccup reflex might actually come from our amphibian ancestors. Mami Kempe / The Conversation

Curious Kids: Why do people get the hiccups and how do you get rid of them?

Hiccups serve no clear purpose. Tadpoles have a hiccup reflex which helps keep their lungs safe while they transition. So our hiccup reflex might be from our amphibian ancestors.
Men transporting a large bag in the Muvumba river valley in Kigali. A massive Rwandan electrification programme sets out to benefit rural communities. Shutterstock

How electricity changes lives: a Rwandan case study

A massive rural on-grid electrification programme in Rwanda has delivered considerable benefits. But is it the most sensible way to deliver power to remote areas?
Social isolation is linked to increased blood pressure and depression. Mindmo/

Loneliness is bad for your health

Social isolation is linked to higher blood pressure, lower cognitive abilities and even increased chances of premature death.
Eating a delicious doughnut now seems more rewarding than the nebulous concept of “better future health”. from

Why telling people they could get sick in the future won’t persuade them to be healthy now

People tend to value potential future rewards less than similar immediate rewards when they must choose between them. Psychologists and economists call this “delay discounting”.
Waking up to this every morning would surely give you more will to live. Unsplash/jonathan daniels

Four ways having a pet increases your lifespan

Pet owners will often swear their beloved pooch or moggie does wonders for their wellbeing, and now we have empirical proof.

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