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Articles on Journalism

Displaying 561 - 580 of 773 articles

Journalist Peter Greste lays a wreath at the War Correspondents Memorial in Canberra. Lukas Coch/AAP

Honouring the journalists who bring us stories from the frontline

A memorial unveiled in Canberra this week honours the work of Australian war correspondents, but a new Pentagon “Law of War” manual identifies journalists in conflict zones as “spies and belligerents”.
Al Jazeera journalist Mohamed Fahmy is jailed for three years in Egypt. EPA/Khaled Elfiqi

This is a hellish time to be a journalist

The news that two British journalists and their unnamed Iraqi colleague were arrested and charged by the Turkish authorities [though released following publication of this article] for “engaging in terror…
American journalists Alison Parker and Adam Ward were shot dead live on air, allegedly by a former colleague. EPA/WDBJ7

Virginia TV shootings: murder as a media event

If someone wants to create panic with a gun and a smartphone, they can. If journalists want to protect the public from disturbing images, they can’t.
A screen shot of on-air shooting video before CNN decided to fade to black. CNN

The Virginia on-air shootings: all too real

Mainstream media and social media go different ways on the ethical questions raised by the airing of video showing on-camera shooting of journalists.

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