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Articles on New Zealand

Displaying 21 - 40 of 2063 articles

Golser/Getty Images

NZ needs a 300% increase in qualified midwives – and those working need more support and recognition

With a 40% staffing shortfall, midwifery needs better funding. But as new research shows, midwives also need recognition and support for the important work they do in the New Zealand health sector.
Getty Images

Boot camps for young offenders are back – the psychological evidence they don’t work never went away

Evidence shows the links between punishment, discipline and behaviour change are weak at best. Good rehabilitation has a therapeutic focus – but this is less popular with politicians and the public.
Shaun Eaves

Weakening or collapse of a major Atlantic current has disrupted NZ’s climate in the past – and could do so again

Earth’s climate system is connected across hemispheres. When the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation weakens and Europe cools, warming in New Zealand and southern mid-latitudes accelerates.
Getty Images

Patently insufficient: a new intellectual property treaty does little to protect Māori traditional knowledge

The newly signed global Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge might improve the patent system, but is unlikely to improve protection of Indigenous knowledge itself.

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