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Articles on Nonprofits

Displaying 181 - 200 of 214 articles

Academic research and coursework on giving and volunteering are growing more popular.

Learning by giving: How today’s students can become tomorrow’s philanthropists

After taking a class in which they give money away, students get more interested in donating to and volunteering at local nonprofits.
That looks like a good match. Peshkova/

How to get the biggest bang out of matching funds

Nonprofit fundraisers have long relied on matching funds to encourage giving without knowing if they work. Research suggests one way to make the most out of challenge gifts from big donors.
The Ballarat Road project in Maidstone and Footscray, Melbourne, will transform vacant land into housing for people at risk of homelessness. Schored Architects

Portable units and temporary leases free up vacant land for urgent housing needs

An innovative collaboration between government, a non-profit group and philanthropists has found a way to provide urgently needed housing on land that would otherwise be left vacant for years.
Federal workers based in and near Washington, D.C. raised a total of US$46,639,949.63 in 2015 through the Combined Federal Campaign of National Capital Area. USDA Photo by Shakeitha Stone

What works in workplace giving

By some measures, Americans are giving less to charity through their jobs than they used to. But many companies say that increasing this kind of charity is a priority for them.
Actress Jennifer Garner, a Save the Children trustee and ambassador, helped distribute supplies after Hurricane Harvey. Anthony Rathbun/Save the Children via AP Images

How to select a disaster relief charity

After a hurricane strikes or an earthquake makes shockwaves, support nonprofits that are clear about what they do and how they will spend your money.
Hurricane Irma caused major damage to Naples and other Florida cities. AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

5 ways to stretch your disaster relief dollars

The desire to help during emergencies like Hurricane Irma is admirable. Doing some homework might make your contributions go farther.
Residents pick through a makeshift aid station in Rockport, Texas after Harvey struck their city. AP Photo/Eric Gay

Stretching your donation dollars: 5 tips

The desire to help during emergencies like Hurricane Harvey is admirable. With a little homework, your contributions will go further.
Consumers often distrust mission-driven groups that earn profits. Brian A Jackson/

A big hurdle do-good companies face

People may initially assume the worst when they encounter for-profit companies with social missions. What can these social ventures with good intentions do to gain people’s support?
Environmentalists are not fans of EPA chief Scott Pruitt. Reuters/Mike Theiler

How environmentalists can regroup for the Trump era

Green groups fighting Trump’s anti-environmental agenda should heed precedents from the Reagan and George W. Bush administrations. They can also learn from the Australian experience.
It can be easier to raise money to aid animals like these African elephants than species that are more threatened with extinction but get humans less excited.

Even ugly animals can win hearts and dollars to save them from extinction

Must the money raised to save wildlife always aid the most popular animals? New research suggests that marketing can persuade donors that northern hairy-nosed wombat lives matter too.
Including different facial expressions in fundraising pitches can change how people respond, research suggests.

Do happy faces or sad faces raise more money?

Seeing cheerful kids in fundraising pitches works better for some potential donors than others, research suggests. Nonprofits may want to tailor their appeals to different audiences because of that.

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