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Articles on Organ transplantation

Displaying 61 - 77 of 77 articles

More Australians may be able to donate or receive organs if proposed NHMRC guidelines are adopted. Shutterstock

Waste not, want not: new organ donation policy could save lives

Australia has never had a great deceased organ donor rate – and it fell last year. But proposed guidelines from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) could change how donor organs are…
Trust in doctors to do the right thing. Organ by Shutterstock

How much should you be told about your organ donor?

The recent inquest into a case in Wales where two patients died following kidney transplants has focused fresh attention on the risks associated with transplantation. No transplant is risk-free, but the…
We love the NHS but maybe we love life more. PA/Dave Thompson

Jumping the organ queue questions some core principles

Giving priority for transplants to people who have joined the organ donor register (ODR) isn’t a new idea and is already happening in countries such as Israel and Singapore. In Israel, where a points-based…
The hidden scars of the organ trade. BEE FREE

Organ trafficking: a protected crime

Organ trafficking and illicit transplant surgeries have infiltrated global medical practice. But despite the evidence of widespread criminal networks and several limited prosecutions in countries including…

T-cells reject organ transplants

Immune system cells, called T-cells, fight foreign tissue which often results in the rejection of transplanted organs, researchers…
Many women believe that experiencing pregnancy is a key component of motherhood. Dhini van Heeren

A womb of her own: risking uterus transplant for pregnancy

On a weekend in mid-September 2012, a team of gynaecologists and transplant specialists at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Sweden, performed two uterus transplants with living donors. In both cases…
Around 11,000 organs are bought or sold around the world each year. NDNG

Action to stop thriving global organ trade must start at home

The global organ transplant market appears to have reached a new low this week, with reports in The Guardian that one organ is sold every hour somewhere in the world. This follows a Chinese media expos…

Classical music aids organ transplant time

Research on mice found that opera and classical music increased the time before their transplanted hearts failed. However…
Doctors give a patient a new trachea made from a synthetic scaffold seeded with his own stem cells. EPA/Karolinksa University Hospital

Lab-made organs could offer a solution to donor shortage

Scientists say they have developed a way to use a patient’s own stem cells to build fully functional organs in a laboratory, in a potential solution to the global donor shortage crisis. The technique involves…
Pigs may be the answer to Australia’s organ donor shortage. Thornypup

Xenotransplantation: using pigs as organ and tissue donors for humans

Transplantation is the best available treatment for many serious health problems including diabetes, kidney failure and heart disease. These conditions affect millions of people worldwide and the cost…
Families need to discuss organ donations so they don’t withdraw consent after death. Muffet/Flickr

Free funerals for organ donors: are donation incentives unethical?

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics in the United Kingdom has suggested a scheme to gauge support for the idea of government funding for funerals of people who donate their organs. The recommendation follows…
A new study shows the liver destroys the cells responsible for rejected organ transplants.

Wonder organ – how the liver finds and destroys immune cells

Most people only think about their liver when recovering from a big night of drinking when it’s busily producing enzymes to break down the alcohol. But this “factory” of the body is vital for survival…
Reimbursing for costs is standard in research but large payments present problems. Flickr/PACOM

Organs for sale? The ethics of paying living kidney donors

The Commonwealth Government is considering a proposal from Kidney Health Australia to reimburse living kidney donors for reasonable expenses incurred during the donation process, such as loss of income…

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