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Articles on Protest

Displaying 301 - 320 of 465 articles

A man carries an anti-EU, pro-Brexit placard during in London on September 3, 2016. Justin Tallis/AFP

Debate: The rise of the global rejectionist party

Since the Brexit vote in 2016, rebellious movements have repeatedly shown their ability to shape political outcomes across the globe, often in unexpected ways: So what lies next?
The Commonwealth Games is often dubbed the ‘friendly games’, but its history shows that friendliness applies only to ‘the right sort of people’. AAP

The Commonwealth Games of exclusion: what are authorities so afraid of?

Preparations for next month’s Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast are pushing homeless people out of town, and out of the state. Sadly, that’s not unusual for events of this sort.
For the first time in decades, there is now a real possibility that some gun controls might be implemented. Colin Abbey/AAP

Articulate US teenagers could finally force action on gun control

Student activists are presenting important, emotionally powerful counter-narratives to those of the gun lobby. Their success will depend on whether they can sustain these efforts.
Phone calls create an opportunity for genuine exchange that written communication lacks. Flickr/PhotoAtelier

How landline phones made us happy and connected

The internet has revolutionised communication, but voice calls are declining in some demographics. And that means we may be losing out on a powerful part of what connects us to each other.
Starting out as a set of demonstrations against university reform, the French uprisings of May 1968 quickly gathered momentum. AAP/EPA/Prefecture de Police Museum

Be realistic – demand the impossible: the legacy of 1968

The protesters who took to the streets of Paris didn’t know what they wanted: they just knew what they were against. But they did make us think that maybe there is another, better world.
Mohandas K. Gandhi during a prayer meeting on Jan. 22, 1948. AP Photo/File

What Gandhi can teach today’s protesters

For Gandhi, whose birth anniversary is Monday, Oct. 2, nonviolent resistance meant placing one’s own body in harm’s way to expose social injustices, which made it a powerful political tool.

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