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Articles on Raila Odinga

Displaying 41 - 60 of 73 articles

Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga announced his exit from the re-run of the presidential election scheduled for October 26. Reuters/Baz Ratner

What Odinga’s election pullout means for Kenya’s turbulent democracy

Kenya’s upcoming poll will continue despite opposition leader Raila Odinga’s decision to exit lawful processes prematurely. This will mean Kenyatta will likely win his second term in a row.
President Uhuru Kenyatta and contender Raila Odinga in happier times. The two are now embroiled in a bitter political contest. Reuters/Thomas Mukoya

The thin line between electoral credibility and political stability in Kenya

Democracy doesn’t seem to work within societies governed by politics of ethnicity. Instead, elections continue to offer up the hard choice between electoral credibility and political stability.
Kenya’s Supreme Court judges preside before delivering the judgment that nullified last month’s presidential election Baz Ratner/Reuters

Kenya’s fresh election ruling: just another instalment in a highly contested process

Kenya’s electoral commission faced many legal challenges before the general election, and yet another after the poll. But how will the Supreme Court’s historic ruling impact the country’s democracy?
Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga reacts after the Supreme Court declares the election invalid. Baz Ratner/Reuters

Kenya’s Supreme Court ruling and what it means for the country

Kenya’s Supreme Court landmark ruling has opened the door to robust conversation around the country’s nascent democracy, paving the way for rule of law and stronger institutions.

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