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Articles on Social security

Displaying 41 - 60 of 64 articles

The French “carte vitale” guarantees citizens and residents access to care, even in case of severe illness. Wikipedia

How healthy is the French health system?

The French health care system is rated as one of the best in the world, but it’s a shield that’s under increasing stress.
Government ministers have defended Centrelink’s debt recovery processes as ‘working’ following an ongoing controversy. AAP/Julian Smith

Note to Centrelink: Australian workers’ lives have changed

Centrelink’s debt recovery problems reflect an over-simplistic application of policy to the complexity of workers’ lives in a flexible labour market.
A Halloween gathering in Los Angeles for children who live on the street, in shelters or in cars. Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

How racism has shaped welfare policy in America since 1935

On the 20th anniversary of Bill Clinton’s promise to “end welfare as we know it,” a social work scholar asks why child poverty is still such a problem in the U.S. and what race has to do with it.
Agriculture remains the major source of employment in Ghana, even though its share in the economy has been in steady decline. Reuters/Thierry Gouegnon

Ghana needs a new strategy to create decent jobs and reduce inequality

Economic growth is a necessary condition for development. But it can only pass the sufficient condition test if growth translates into high-earning jobs. Ghana’s recent history illustrates this.
The world is getting grayer, but getting older doesn’t mean what it used to. Jorge Silva/Reuters

It’s time to measure 21st century aging with 21st century tools

Turning 65 in 2016 doesn’t mean the same thing as hitting 65 in 1916. So why are we still using a population aging measure that was developed a century ago?
Independent medical assessments can exacerbate poor health in those with already complex health conditions. Rob Byron/Shutterstock

Extra medical tests for disability support can make health worse

Tightening of eligibility requirements for the disability support pension started before today’s release of the McClure report. And the government is already on the wrong track.
Osborne will have to do more if he wants to reach targets for social security spending. Philip Toscano/PA Wire

Deeper benefit cuts needed to hit Conservative target

A Green Budget for 2015 was released recently by the Institute for Fiscal Studies. The detailed report on social security spending shows that a future government would have to implement much deeper cuts…
Bianca Rodriguez, one of nation’s nearly 600,000 homeless at a Chicago underpass. Andrew Nelles/Reuters

Did we lose the War on Poverty?

This year marks the 51st anniversary since Lyndon Johnson launched his War on Poverty and made poverty reduction the centerpiece of his Great Society domestic agenda. Whether we won this war, however…
Social security is on a collision course with insolvency. A little bit of math could keep it safe. Shutterstock

How mathematics could help us save social security

The US Social Security system has been heading toward insolvency for decades, with the program now projected to run a 25% deficit by a little after 2030, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Despite…

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