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Articles on War

Displaying 521 - 524 of 524 articles

Australian veterans of the Pacific theatre in WWII attend a VJ Day memorial. AAP

The war in the Pacific: fighting the good fight, or something else

Sometimes an historian will challenge one of the key ideological myths of Australian capitalism. Henry Reynolds does it in his work on the colonial treatment of Aborigines, a treatment some go so far as…
Explosions over Libya. AAP

The Libya stalemate: can it be broken?

After five months of conflict in Libya, the Gaddafi regime remains in power in Tripoli despite the rebel campaign and NATO airstrikes. Recent days have seen serious developments in the country. Muammar…

Refugees from war at higher risk of PTSD

Research on people from Sri Lanka displaced from their homes by the 1983 - 2009 conflict on the Indian Ocean island shows…

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