Recent sightings of Bladerunner the humpback and Split Fin the killer whale provide an opportunity to remind everyone to keep their distance and avoid collisions with majestic marine mammals.
If a new declaration based on customary concepts of tikanga and mana is recognised by the courts, it could potentially give interest groups the legal standing to sue on behalf of whales.
There’s so much we still don’t know about whales. Here’s 3 amazing new things we’ve learnt about whales lately: how humpback whales have sex and give birth – and how baleen whales sing underwater.
Even when female North Atlantic right whales survive entanglement in fishing gear, it may affect their future ability to breed, increasing the pressure on this critically endangered species.
You might see the heartbreaking videos of stranded whales and dolphins and wonder why we can’t rescue them. Sometimes we can – but time and tide make it harder
Unusual human-wildlife interactions raise questions about managing the risks. What’s driving these wacky whale antics? How and when should we intervene?
Three debut Australian novels explore diverse territory: the recognisable real world of parental estrangement, and a dystopian near-future where it never stops raining.