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Artículos sobre 2023

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Thick snow covers tree branches as people walk along a street in Ottawa after a snowstorm. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Taking fitness outside: 9 tips for becoming more active through the Canadian winter

Taking your physical activity outside comes with added benefits. Here are ways to pursue your fitness goals outdoors, even in the middle of a Canadian winter.
January is named after the two-faced Roman god Janus, and the Victorians understood this has long been a season of looking backward as much as forward, and not just in search of lessons. (Shutterstock)

How 19th-century Victorians’ wellness resolutions were about self-help — and playful ritual fun

The 1859 book ‘Self-Help’ by Scottish journalist and physician Samuel Smiles was written in bite-sized pieces reminiscent of today’s wellness and lifestyle New Year tips.
‘Permacrisis’ is Collins Dictionary’s 2022 word of the year, but polycrisis is a more accurate term to describe the world’s ongoing crises and how they’re interacting with one another. (Pixabay)

‘Polycrisis’ may be a buzzword, but it could help us tackle the world’s woes

What’s a polycrisis? We’re in one, and greed and power are undoubtedly worsening it, but our knowledge remains poor. Experts know a lot about individual risks and crises, but not how they interact.

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