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Artículos sobre Airlines

Mostrando 81 - 100 de 127 artículos

Airlines have saved energy by changing flight routes and modifying wings for better fuel use. Plane image from

Reducing energy use is a big winner for business and the climate

Companies could improve their profits 2-10% each year by saving energy, according to a world-first attempt to assess energy performance.
Looking back in languor? Cullen in the north of Scotland. Raphaël Chekroun

Brexit: big trouble for British tourism

Holiday making accounts for almost a tenth of the British economy. Here’s how it might be impacted by a vote to leave the EU.
Debate over potential pollutants calls for better tools to measure air quality. Singapore Spotter/flickr

Explainer: is aircraft cabin air toxic?

Health effects from contamination on planes is controversial, not least because we don’t measure on-board air quality during ‘fume events’.
Not bad for budget. Maxene Huiyu /

French airline brings back business class on a budget

Airline profitability is cyclical. The industry is extremely vulnerable to many factors outside of its control from terrorism, volcanic eruptions and economic downturns that reduce demand to wildly fluctuating…
Could climate change be making flying more unsafe? KamrenB Photography

Could climate change have played a role in the AirAsia crash?

On December 28, AirAsia flight QZ8501 crashed into the sea between Indonesia and Singapore. Shortly before the crash, the pilots requested an alteration to the flight route due to severe weather. While…
Oil prices have been in a tailspin for month, falling to a five-year low, yet airfares have barely budged. What gives? Shutterstock

Oil prices have nosedived – why aren’t airfares doing the same?

Oil prices are down almost 50% from their peak this year, and jet fuel has plunged 33% since last December. Given energy costs consume almost a third of airline operating expenses, shouldn’t we expect…
One of the perks of becoming an elite flyer is it’s easier to upgrade to better cabins, such as Virgin Atlantic’s upper class cabin. Phillip Capper, CC BY-SA

Frequent flying is getting a lot more rewarding – for those at the very top

Frequent flyer programs are one of the primary ways airlines build customer loyalty. In a nutshell, the more you travel with the same airline (or its partners), the higher the odds you will be able to…

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