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Artículos sobre ANZ

Mostrando 21 - 40 de 54 artículos

Banking inquiries in their current form serve as political theatre, rather than as a genuine form of accountability. Lukas Coch/AAP

Banking inquiry findings – ask the wrong questions get the wrong answers

Members of House Standing Committee on Economics should be asking the directors of Australia’s Big Four banks (not the CEOs) different questions, if they really want the right answers.
Commonwealth Bank of Australia CEO Ian Narev attends the parliamentary inquiry into the banking system. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Business Briefing: fixing culture in banking and finance

Business Briefing: fixing culture in banking and finance The Conversation19,7 MB (download)
"Banking culture" has drawn a lot of scrutiny this year, after several high-profile scandals. But Professor Paul Kofman says there isn't much evidence for how to intervene if there's a problem.
Did ANZ CEO Shayne Elliot let the cat out of the bag on manipulation of BBSW when speaking at the Standing Committee on Economics annual hearing? Lukas Coch/AAP

Just what else did ANZ uncover when looking at BBSW?

In his response to questioning by MPs at the House Economics Committee hearings into the big four banks, Mr Shayne Elliott, CEO of ANZ, may have inadvertently let the cat out of the bag, When questioned…
Commonwealth Bank chief Ian Narev was the first to appear before a parliamentary committee inquiring into the practices of the big four banks. Lukas Coch/AAP

Banks make millions in delaying interest rate cuts

When the cash rate increases, lending rates shoot up like rockets, but when the opposite occurs they go down like feathers.
Westpac is one of the banks where ASIC alleges traders rigged the bank bill swap rate. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Business Briefing: manipulating the BBSW

Business Briefing: the bank bill swap rate
As more details are revealed in the bank bill swap rate rigging case we explain what the rate does, how it can be manipulated and what the government should be doing about it.
Banks must accept they can’t control the values, beliefs and behaviours of their employees. Image sourced from

‘Command and control’ banks have got ethics and culture all wrong

Banks may pay lip service to ethical cultures but often curtail the critical questioning that allows ethical issues to be surfaced in the first place.
ASIC Chairman Greg Medcraft and Commissioner Cathie Armour during a Senate Estimates hearing at Parliament House. Medcraft told the hearing ASIC must be a ‘model litigant’. Mick Tsikas/AAP

ASIC v ANZ rate-rigging case will be one of epic proportions

ASIC has a high success rate, but its high-profile civil action against ANZ Bank will be a tough battle to win.

ASIC finally pulls the BBSW trigger on ANZ

Almost three years after the hares were set running on the Bank Bill Swap Reference Rate (BBSW) scandal by the US regulator the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CTFC), ASIC has finally taken out…

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