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Artículos sobre Bicycling laws

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 24 artículos

A cyclist not wearing a helmet can expect to attract the attention of NSW Police – and not always just for that offence. NSW Police/Facebook

Over-the-top policing of bike helmet laws targets vulnerable riders

Bike helmet laws are meant to be about safety. But the hefty penalties and huge number of fines are causing resentment – made worse by some police abusing the law to stop, question and search riders.
After nearly a decade of operation, Brisbane’s CityCycle scheme still needs to be subsidised. Ash Kyd/flickr

Here’s what bike-sharing programs need to succeed

Many short-term bike-hiring programs have been launched amid much fanfare, only for their popularity to decline soon after. Several key factors need to be in place for a program to work.
The relationship between drivers and cyclists is highly unequal, both physically and culturally. from

Cars, bicycles and the fatal myth of equal reciprocity

The primacy given to the car has shaped our cities, the roads that serve them and our very thinking about the place of driving in our lives. And it’s a mindset that leaves cyclists highly vulnerable.
When public housing like the properties in Sydney’s Millers Point is privatised, it profoundly changes the social mix of the inner city to something much more homogenous. AAP/Newzulu/Peter Boyle

Suburbanising the centre: the Baird government’s anti-urban agenda for Sydney

The NSW government agenda would deny the ‘right to the city’, that network of diverse communities, practices and places which give rise to the convivial and inclusive potential of cities.
Legislation would have less real effect than better manners. Looking Glass

Bicycle registration is not the answer for bad behaviour

There’s nothing like a “bikes vs drivers” story to whip commentators into a frenzy, and this week’s stoush between Shane Warne and a Melbourne cyclist is no exception. Whenever this issue comes up, there…

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