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Artículos sobre Book reviews

Mostrando 461 - 480 de 534 artículos

Whichwood is one of five great reads for teens that highlight authentic experiences, marginalized voices and critical thinking. (Dutton Books)

Five great reads to help teens become critical thinkers

Here are five great book recommendations for teens that promote critical thinking, authentic voices, diversity and good conversations.
Simon Leys intervened on a broad range of topics: Mother Teresa, the continuing relevance of George Orwell, conservative values, and the role of the university in the pursuit of truth. Black Inc

Simon Leys, navigator between worlds – a unique Australian intellectual

Pierre Ryckmans - also known by his nom-de-plume, Simon Leys - was an inspirational teacher, the bête-noire of sinology and an outspoken public intellectual. A new biography tells his story.
New technologies are taking books and libraries to places that are, as yet, unimaginable. Shutterstock

Friday essay: why libraries can and must change

The history of the library is replete with mechanical marvels. More than collections of books, libraries are social, cultural and technological institutions that house the very idea of a society.
We’re still not really sure whether puberty is starting earlier. from

Book review: The New Puberty

A new book on puberty has explored why we find it so difficult to talk about puberty, and why we need to start talking about it earlier.
A new book expresses concern that the ‘average American’ has base knowledge so low that it is now plummeting to ‘aggressively wrong’. shutterstock

Book review: The Death of Expertise

Tom Nichols’ book The Death of Expertise examines why the relationship between experts and citizens in a democracy is collapsing, and what can be done about it.

On poetry and pain

There are several ways into the book Shaping the Fractured Self: poetry of chronic illness and pain, edited by Heather Taylor Johnson. And there are many uses it might serve in the multiple worlds of poetry…
The Green Bell illustrates a life of complete and careless love, and utter grief: author Paula Keogh and poet Michael Dransfield in the early 1970s. Affirm Press

Book review: Love, loss and madness in The Green Bell

The lovers at the centre of The Green Bell - its author, Paula Keogh, and that passing meteor of Australian poetry, Michael Dransfield - met in the psychiatric unit of Canberra Hospital.
The Andromeda Galaxy, just part of a finely tuned universe. Flickr/NASA, ESA, J. Dalcanton, B.F. Williams, and L.C. Johnson (University of Washington), the PHAT team, and R. Gendler

Book review: Do we live in A Fortunate Universe?

A new book explores some of the big questions of why the universe exists and why it seems fine-tuned for life.

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