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Artículos sobre Cardiovascular

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 24 artículos

Scientists have designed a solar panel-like pacemaker that can precisely control heartbeats. Eugene Mymrin/Moment via Getty Images

Pacemaker powered by light eliminates need for batteries and allows the heart to function more naturally − new research

Researchers designed an ultrathin pacemaker that can be implanted via minimally invasive techniques, potentially improving recovery time and reducing the risk of complications.
There’s no proof blood pressure-lowering drugs prevent heart attacks in people with mild hypertension – but they could. The Clear Communication.../Flickr

Mild high blood pressure: are we treating too many people?

An article in this week’s issue of the British Medical Journal calls into question a common practice: treatment of mild high blood pressure. The authors argue that lowering the drug threshold for high…

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