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Artículos sobre Childhood

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 93 artículos

From early childhood to secondary school, your child’s negative friendships could impact their sense of self worth. from

From childcare to high school – what to do if you don’t like your kid’s friend

If you suspect your child – whether they are in early childhood education and care, primary or secondary school – has a questionable friend, here are some tips on how to deal with it.
A replica of Nubian Tribute Presented to the King, Tomb of Huy, showing Nubians with their children paying tribute to the Egyptian Pharaoh. Based on the original from circa 1353–1327 B.C. (Wikimedia)

Children in the ancient Middle East were valued and vulnerable — not unlike children today

Coming to a greater understanding of children in ancient history raises important questions for how societies respond — or not — to children’s vulnerability.
Falls are the main reason for childhood injuries, but kids usually recover. from

Should I let my kid climb trees? We asked five experts

Every expert we asked talked about the importance of letting children take risks and explore in nature. But they also advised parents to supervise and set limits.
For many older people, today’s music goes in one ear and out the other.

Why do old people hate new music?

Music doesn’t get objectively worse over time. So why do older generations scoff at each new top 40 hit?
The experience “this happened to me” is stronger than “this happened” in memory formation. epicharmus/flickr

What do your earliest childhood memories say about you?

We sometimes see memory as a video camera, recording our lives accurately and without bias – but this is a myth. Instead, our childhood memories are intricately shaped by our family and culture.

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