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Artículos sobre Children's literature

Mostrando 81 - 91 de 91 artículos

Benjamin Zephaniah’s Refugee boy is a great example. David Morris

Children’s books on the refugee experience are crucial reading

While facts and figures are useful to understand the scale of the refugee problem, for most people it’s the personal angle that they best relate to. But this personal angle, and the sympathy and understanding…
A bear necessity of life. Walt Disney Productions.

Our Jungle Book obsession: two films planned by rival studios

It may seem a little strange to some, but currently there are two rival Jungle Book films planned. Idris Elba is to voice Shere Khan in a Disney remake, potentially along with Scarlett Johansson and Lupita…
Don’t panic, she still likes books too. Todd Morris

Kindle vs books? Children just don’t see it that way

A furious debate has been raging for some years now between adults. Are you a Kindle lover or a devotee of the good, old-fashioned book? As the e-book spreads into children’s publishing, some look in terror…
Who draws the line on what is and isn’t acceptable for children’s viewing? Karen Eliot

Nudity in kids’ books is nothing to worry about

What deadly affront would cause a group of conservative booksellers – and a rather attractive golden retriever – to protest by doffing their duds to pose in the buff? The cause was the savaging of a children’s…
Read on for some notable children’s books from the year gone by. San José Library

Tales of mystery and the mundane: children’s books in 2013

What makes a children’s book compelling? Is it a driving, action-centred plot that forces us to turn the page? Is it a puzzle that we solve from clues thrown down by the narrator – or is it a story that…
Children’s literature can help build empathy and cultural understanding. basheem

How children’s literature shapes attitudes to Asia

Australia’s relationship with Asia has always been a focus for heated debate and, often, misunderstanding. What role do books play in moulding this relationship? A research project underway at the Queensland…

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