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Artículos sobre Discrimination

Mostrando 181 - 200 de 506 artículos

Ramana Akula (second from right), who has lived in Australia for 30 years and has citizenship, is currently among the thousands stranded in India. PR Handout Image/Supplied

It’s not surprising Indian-Australians feel singled out. They have long been subjected to racism

Indians are now the second-largest group of overseas-born migrants in Australia. Yet, despite their increasing numbers and growing political voice, their concerns are still not being heard.
The FTC put companies that sell AI systems on notice: Cross the line with biased products and the law is coming for you. Maciej Frolow/Stone via Getty Images

FTC warns the AI industry: Don’t discriminate, or else

The Federal Trade Commission is rattling its saber at the technology industry over growing public concern about biased AI algorithms. Can the agency back up its threats?
Lisa Nhan puts on a musical performance with crystal bowls in Los Angeles on Feb. 20 as part of an event to call attention to anti-Asian violence and racist attitudes. AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes

Asian Americans top target for threats and harassment during pandemic

Since the beginning of the pandemic, hate crimes targeting Asian Americans have gotten increased media and public attention. New data shows these events are in fact happening more often.
By identifying the need to tackle systemic discrimination instead of colonialism, Trudeau is reinforcing an established idea in Canadian politics: that colonialism is history. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Not in the past: Colonialism is rooted in the present

Narratives that historicize colonialism are not new. Canadians and our leaders have a long history of denying our settler colonial present.
While people with certain disabilities are already at higher risk for severe COVID-19, that risk is increased by elements within the health-care system. (Shutterstock)

People with disabilities put at risk by COVID-19 triage and vaccine priorities

People with disabilities are overlooked for COVID-19 vaccine distribution and triage protocols. We need to make this group a priority and address issues that put them at risk.

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