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Artículos sobre Geography

Mostrando 61 - 76 de 76 artículos

People currently speak 7,000 languages around the globe. Michael Gavin

Why do human beings speak so many languages?

There’s little research into origins of the geographic patterns of language diversity. A new model exploring processes that shaped Australia’s language diversity provides a template for investigators.
At one time, Bibles and Sears catalogs were printed here. Now, this building is known as the Lakeside Technology Center, one of the largest data centers in the world. Teemu008/flicker

The factories of the past are turning into the data centers of the future

Data centers are taking over the factories where workers once processed checks, baked bread and printed Bibles. What will the rise of the information-based economy mean for American cities?
3D visualisation of the mega-canyon. Jonathan Bamber, University of Bristol

Mega-canyon discovered beneath Greenland ice sheet

A previously unknown canyon has been discovered in Greenland, hidden beneath the ice. It is at least 750 kilometres long. To put that in perspective, imagine a ten kilometre wide gorge, up to 800 metres…
From geysers to tectonic plate movements, corn syrup has the answers. Trey Ratcliff

4D model solves Yellowstone’s geographical mysteries

A decade ago, with Ross Griffiths of the Australian National University, we aimed to build a 4D model which could replicate the Earth’s tectonic processes. Now, our research has helped us understand how…
The emperor tamarin is one of several species of New World monkey … but how did they get there? Apex Design

Explainer: what is biogeography?

How did you get to work today? I walked to the station, caught a train, then walked to a bus stop and hopped on the 891 express. All this time, while I was travelling, I moved in space – in fact a lot…

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