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Artículos sobre iPhones

Mostrando 101 - 120 de 135 artículos

You could soon say goodbye to credit cards and cash – no need to burn them, though. ~lauren/Flickr

Apple Pay heralds a new, safe era of cashless convenience

Mobile payment systems have been around for years without gaining much traction, but this might be about to change with the release of the iPhone 6’s Apple Pay. This latest iPhone uses near field communication…
First in line Jason Ray (left) and Moon Ray (right) line up outside the Apple Store in New York, ready for the launch of Apple’s iPhone 6. EPA/John Taggart

All kneel at the temple of Apple’s latest technology

Just as with all the earlier versions of the iPhone, rumours abound about what Apple will announce this week in relation to iPhone 6 – new screens, different sizes, powerful chips, faster processing and…
The low end just got a bit more high end. Ikhlasul Amal

Cheap as chips phones: is it time to make the switch?

A change is taking place in the mobile phone market that has the potential to bring more power to the consumer. Cheaper devices are becoming an option and while they’re not quite ready yet, they could…
Probably an unnecessary precaution. Redcorn Studios [Matt]

Explainer: which phone is most vulnerable to malware?

As each new computer virus attack or vulnerability comes to light, millions instinctively check their computer to see if their anti-malware application is up to date. This is a good idea and they are wise…
“Hi! Is that the 1980s? I’ve got your phone. You can have it back.” Computex e Forum

The three rules that stop a tech device from losing its cool

In the world of hi-tech devices, it is imperative to keep your finger on the pulse. Some of the most successful companies of our times, such as Apple and Google, are those that understand the power of…
Not only has the way we look at our mobile devices changed, but they’re starting to look back at us. andres.thor

Apple’s Touch ID: time to come to grips with a touchy subject

Apple’s latest and greatest - the iPhone 5s - met a muted reception last week in San Francisco. Although the device’s admittedly evolutionary-not-revolutionary updates target early adopters and high-end…
Say hello to your new iPhone passcode – so how do fingerprint scanners work? dhammza

iPhone 5S fingerprint scanning: thumbs up or down?

Technology to acquire and use biometric data such as fingerprints has been around for several decades and has made its way from forensic investigation to laptop computers – and now, with this week’s introduction…
Cheap and cheerful or gold and flashy. You now have a choice. Martin uit Utrecht

Apple plays to the middle market with colourful iPhones

Seasoned Apple watchers will have successfully predicted nearly all the hardware in the two new iPhones that have just been unveiled by CEO Tim Cook in a hotly anticipated presentation. But while one model…

Breakthrough in flexible touchscreen technology

A new design of touchscreen technology that uses metal nanowires could enable flexible touchscreens that are cheaper to make…
The introduction of new-look smartphones such as the Z10 has done little to lift BlackBerry’s fortunes. Moridin_

Blackberry’s time has passed, as will the iPhone’s – such is the way

You’ll have seen the news about BlackBerry – the once undisputed champion in communications technology – essentially putting itself up for sale this week, and may be lamenting the decline of a tech giant…
Research in Motion has reinvented itself as BlackBerry — and has released two new phones to boot — but its smartphone market share will be far from peachy. AAP

A juicy BlackBerry 10 won’t make BlackBerry phones more desirable

Research In Motion (RIM), who as of this week officially changed its name to BlackBerry, has come a long way since its beginnings in Waterloo, Canada in 1984. Started by two engineering students, Mike…
Apple share price has been punished after unveilling disappointing first quarter earnings, but its “cool” status has taken a bigger hit.

No longer a brand apart: getting to the core of Apple’s share price slump

The stockmarket was hoping for great things from Apple’s earnings announcement for the December quarter. Most of all, they were hoping for something that would turn around a four month slide in Apple’s…
The new iPhone is longer, thinner and lighter than previous versions. EPA/Yonhap

iPhone 5 launch reveals few surprises … but will it matter?

As had long been predicted, Apple today (AEST) announced the launch of the iPhone 5. The famously secretive Apple had sprung many leaks over the past few months, despite claiming it would be doubling down…
Should we learn to expect more from our personal robot assistants? Warner Bros.

Will Siri ever dream of electric sheep?

The idea of a personal robot assistant, able to effortlessly understand spoken (and unspoken) human intents and efficiently act on them while delivering a breezy quip, has been a staple of science fiction…

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