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Artículos sobre iPhones

Mostrando 81 - 100 de 135 artículos

Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks about the new iPhone 7 during the Apple launch event at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco, California. Monica Davey/AAP

Apple is losing the innovation game, it can’t trap users anymore

The Apple business model is failing. Its ability to keep customers confined to the company’s ecosystem cannot be sustained because of the rise of apps and other online platforms.
There’s a big difference between a 4-digit PIN and a 6-digit PIN. Ervins Strauhmanis/Flickr

How secure is your smartphone’s lock screen?

PIN codes, passwords, swipe patterns and biometrics can help secure your smartphone, but they’re far from foolproof.
A man displays a protest message on his iPhone at a rally in support of Apple’s refusal to help the FBI access the iPhone of a shooter involved in San Bernardino mass killing. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson

Hacking the terror suspect’s iPhone: what the FBI can do now Apple says ‘no’

Now that Apple has refused to build a backdoor into its own device, should the FBI turn to ethical hackers to gain access to a terror suspect’s iPhone?
Apple CEO Tim Cook standing firm. EPA/Monica Davey

Why Apple is making a stand against the FBI

Apple is pushing back against the FBI’s order to decrypt the iPhone of San Bernardino gunman Syed Rizwan Farook for the sake of privacy and security.
Are they really worth the cost? EPA/Vincent Jannink

Our addiction to Apple is why its profits are soaring

Apple has reported the largest quarterly profit ever made by a public company. This is largely thanks to record iPhone sales of 74.5m units over the Christmas period. With prices starting at US$649 for…

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