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Artículos sobre Irrigation

Mostrando 61 - 80 de 102 artículos

Lagoons and vineyards from Gydo Pass in the Western Cape. Water is crucial for such commodities. Shutterstock

How Western Cape farmers are being hit by the drought

In periods of water stress, farmers need support, research assistance and empathy from governments and competing water users.
Despite billions spent on trying to save water in the Murray Darling Basin, results have been disappointing. John Williams

The Murray Darling Basin Plan is not delivering – there’s no more time to waste

A dozen leading researchers have issued an urgent call to action for the Murray-Darling Basin, arguing that the billions spent on water-efficient irrigation have done little for the rivers’ health.
An Egyptian farmer tries to irrigate his land with water from a well. Reuters/Mohamed Abd El Ghany

North Africa and the Middle East’s worsening water crisis

At present, the Middle East and North African region contains 7% of the world’s population but only has access to 1.5% of its renewable freshwater supply through rainfall.
Under the proposal, irrigators would have to submit a statement that tallies with aerial images of their water use. AAP Image/Cubbie Group

‘Tax returns for water’: satellite-audited statements can save the Murray-Darling

Allegations of water theft have thrown the Murray-Darling Basin Plan into crisis. The solution could involve users declaring their annual water use, subject to random audits - like a tax return.
Irrigation pumps along the Barwon River in New South Wales. AAP Image/Dean Lewins

Is the Murray-Darling Basin Plan broken?

The system that allocates water use in Australia’s largest river basin relies on a shared commitment by states to uphold the rules. New allegations of water theft threaten to break that trust.
Children walk through a maize plantation in Zimbabwe, one of the countries in which irrigated areas might be double the officially-recognised area. Reuters/Philimon Bulawayo

Invisible irrigators: how small-scale Tanzanian farmers are making a difference

Official statistics in Tanzania do not capture small-scale irrigation, meaning that it’s impact is unclear. Yet new research reveals that it’s two to three times greater than previously thought
The Millennium drought had a huge impact on the Murray-Darling river system. suburbanbloke/Flickr/Wikimedia Commons

The lessons we need to learn to deal with the ‘creeping disaster’ of drought

Droughts are much bigger and slower than other natural disasters that hit Australia - meaning that despite their huge impacts, we still haven’t figured out how best to protect ourselves.
The Ord River was targeted for agricultural expansion in the 20th century. isthatdaves/Wikimedia Commons

Water in northern Australia: a history of Aboriginal exclusion

Ever since British settlement, water rights in Australia’s north have favoured landowners over traditional owners, effectively locking Aboriginal people out of agricultural development.
Maize is a staple food in South Africa. Its production is likely to decline by half this year due to drought. The poor will be the hardest hit. Shutterstock

South Africa’s poor face rising food prices as drought intensifies

South Africa has been hit by a severe drought and will not be able to produce enough maize - its staple food - in 2016. This will prompt a rise in imports and therefore food prices.

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