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Islam – Análisis y Comentarios

The daily newspaper ‘Arman’ bore a picture of US President Donald Trump with a headline which reads “Isolation of Mr. Goof”, on October 14, 2017. AFP

Donald Trump, a new advocate for Iranian nationalism and Islamist hardliners

The Trump administration’s change of US policy toward Iran has reinforced hardliners’ ambitions and nationalistic feelings, complicating an already difficult situation in the region.
Is religion inherently violent? Some believe so, but secular individuals and institutions have proven to be just as violent. (Shutterstock)

Challenging the notion that religion fosters violence

Many think that violence is central to religion, but some scholars argue it’s meaningless to single out religion rather than socio-economic factors when assessing violent acts.
A man protesting against the government’s new power to ban organisations deemed anti-Pancasila, Indonesia’s state ideology. Reuters/Beawiharta

Indonesia takes an ultra-nationalist turn against Islamic populism

A recently passed regulation in lieu of law allows the government to ban organisations deemed against Indonesia’s state ideology Pancasila. It marks a troubling turn towards ultra-nationalism.
A detail from William Blake’s God answers Job (c. 1804). The Gods of Moses in the Old Testament, Jesus in the New Testament and Muhammad in the Quran have a similarly complex and ambivalent character. Wikimedia images

In spite of their differences, Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God

The founder of Islam, Muhammad, saw himself as the last in a line of prophets that reached back through Jesus to Moses, Abraham and Noah. But while the three religions worship the same God, he divides as much as he unites.
Muslims start the hajj by circling the Kaaba, the black, cube-shaped house of God. UmmSqueaky

Explaining the Muslim pilgrimage of hajj

Each year, Muslims from all over the world go on a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, known as hajj. A scholar explains its spiritual significance.
Muslim women hold signs to express opposition to hate crimes and rhetoric. AP Photo/Seth Wenig

Explaining the rise in hate crimes against Muslims in the US

FBI data show that in 2015 anti-Muslim hate crimes spiked to the highest level since 2001. A scholar finds political rhetoric correlates to both sharp increases and decreases in hate crime.
A group of youth walked 1600 kilometers to bring attention aboriginal issues in 2013 at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario. They hold up the Cree flag. By Paul McKinnon/

Media portrays Indigenous and Muslim youth as ‘savages’ and ‘barbarians’

Research shows that the Globe and Mail has created a script in which marginalized youth can only be dealt with as failures or criminals, impacting the way they are perceived in society.