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Artículos sobre Memorials

Mostrando 41 - 46 de 46 artículos

Students should be taught to recognise the political, social, and economic factors that influence how a society conducts and participates in memorialisation of the past. David Crosling/AAP

Why children need to be taught to think critically about Remembrance Day

Teaching students to recognise and understanding the political, social, and economic factors that influence how we celebrate Remembrance Day would make them more active citizens.
Commemorations to honour those who have donated their bodies for the study of anatomy not only contain symbolic objects like candles and flowers, but also song and online tributes. from

Medical schools are shaking off a dark past by honouring people who donate their bodies to science

We’ve come a long way since the dark days of grave robbing to provide bodies for dissection. Now, there are ceremonies and memorials to honour people who have donated their body to science.
One of two benches demarcated apartheid style for either ‘whites only’ or for ‘non-whites only’ in Cape Town. Esa Alexander/Sunday Times

Memorials that go beyond boring statues of big-men-on-bronze-horses

September is celebrated as heritage month in South Africa. How to get it right? A revisit to a national newspaper’s decade-old, ambitious project is a good yardstick to use.

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